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Centre of Competence, Support and Production

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Centre of Competence, Support and Production (CCSP)

The establishment of a centre of competence, support and production CCSP in each Swiss higher education institution has a been a priority of the SVC programme; it was expected that these centres would significantly help to reduce the implementation costs of elearning, thanks to the accumulation of experience and standardization of technology.

Institution CCSP description
University of Basel LearnTechNet (LTN) is a network of services coordinated by the Akademische Lehrentwicklung ALE, with the participation of the Universitätsrechenzentrum URZ and the New Media Center NMC, plus associated services (university library, etc.).
University of Bern The VC-Supportzentrum is based on collaboration between the Abteilung Unterricht und Medien (AUM) of the Institut für Medizinische Lehre and the Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften (IfE).
University of Fribourg The Centre Nouvelles Technologies et Enseignement (Centre NTE) has been established in 1996 and depends on the educational commission, which depends on the ectorate of the university.
University of Geneva The Réseau e-learning is a network coordinated by the recently established delegation of the rectorate for elearning, including the informatics services and the teaching evaluation units, with a small central coordinating unit.
University of Lausanne RISET (Réseau interfacultaire de Soutien Enseignement et Technologies) is a network with a small coordination unit directed by a vice-rector, the support of specialised services and pedagogical engineers in each of the departments. Strong collaboration with the computer support unit; the learning engineers can thus concentrate mainly on didactical support to projects and teachers.
University of Lucerne The E-Learning-Zentrum is a small team at the Pädagogische Hochschule Zentralschweiz (PHZ) providing also elearning support for UNILU.
University of Neuchâtel The central unit Coordination elearning consists of the coordinator and two part-time research collaborators; additionally there is a network in different institutes and faculties. Continuation after the end of federal funding has yet to be decided.
University of Sankt Gallen The CCSP is located at the Institut für Wirtschaftspädagogik (Self-Study Team), with a collaboration with the StudyNet Team (StudyNet is the university LMS). The CCSP has good contacts with the faculties through a network of correspondents.
University of Zurich The elearning centre ELC provides elearning support to teachers and coordinates the development of elearning services; it cooperate strongly with the Multimedia & E-Learning Services, which manage the OLAT LMS and provide support for multimedia production.
University of Lugano and SUPSI eLab is the joint support centre of USI and SUPSI; it is administratively managed by the USI and located in Lugano, but strongly integrated with both institutions. It is based on an agreement signed by the heads of the two institutions.
Berner Fachhochschule InnoTeach is located at the department of engineering and information technology in Biel. It is now integrated in one unit with the didactical services of the BFH inside the central

services at the rectorate.

Hochschule Luzern The Fachstelle Neue Lernmedien is a central service for the whole institution, directly subordinated to the rectorate, plus a network of five elearning delegates in the different departments.
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz No single CCSP for the whole institutions. From 2008 elearning will be decentralised to the departments, with central technical support from the IT services and a forum to ensure exchange of information.
Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale Cyberlearn is a network of elearning delegates in the different schools and domains of the HES-SO with the lead, technical and financial support located in Sierre.
Zürcher Fachhochschule Network composed by teams in three schools of the ZFH – ZHAW, ZHdK, PHZH

(pedagogy, design and technology), with a small coordination unit at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ZHdK in Zurich.

Fachhochschule Ostschweiz The Kompetenzzentrum elearning is a network with its leader at the HTW in Chur and two representatives per department (Buchs, Chur, Rapperswil, St.Gallen) in the steering group. Mandate and future organization yet unclear.
ETHZ The Network of Educational Technologies NET is part of the Centre for Higher Education, an ETH infrastructure division which is directly responsible to the rector. NET has been founded in 1996 and divides into 5 sub-units: ELBA (E-Learning-Baukasten), groupware/LMS ,e-collaboration, Filep and the elearning strategy implementation team.
EPFL The Center for Research and Support of Training and its Technologies (CRAFT) is a hybrid unit with both a function of service for the development of elearning at the EPFL and an academic function as research unit on new learning technologies. For the former mandate it depends on the vice-president education of the EPFL, for the second it depends on the Information and Communication Technologies Department.

> Switzerland