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Reti Sociali e Promozione Della Costruzione di Conoscenze in Contesti Elearning

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Reti Sociali e Promozione Della Costruzione di Conoscenze in Contesti Elearning was selected in 2006 under the EU Socrates Minerva project. It is translated into English as 'Social networks and promotion of knowledge construction in e-learning contexts' - but listed officially under its Italian name.

As noted in the project description:

The project seeks to enhance the understanding and dissemination of ICTs by identifying conditions favourable to the success of distance learning / distance training in terms of good practice for ICT-using teachers and trainers, of knowledge formation for users and of dissemination.


  1. Identification of effective online training procedures (with due attention to the role of

the e-tutor)

  1. Identification of guidelines for planning, implementing and using distance learning

courses based on effective interaction

  1. Identification of tools (IT and non-IT) favouring effective operational procedures.

Target groups:

Course trainees (action research) and e-learning and distance learning trainers and planners.


  1. Two reports (comparative analysis of most significant experience; guidelines and good practices to be followed)
  2. Preparation of prototype tools for distance learning
  3. Dissemination seminar
  4. Information website.


  • Short-term: Improved knowledge and understanding of the forms of interaction facilitating knowledge acquisition and identification of the most effective procedures for planning and implementing distance learning courses.
  • Long-term: Improvement of online training courses offered in terms both of the implementation of distance learning courses and... [sic]

The project web site is at http://____


  • Universita di Bologna (Italy) Co-ordinator
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (Germany)
  • CEMIC-GRESIC (France)
  • University of Turku (Finland)

Associate Partners

> Programmes