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Budapest University of Technology and Economics

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  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics (distance learning and adult training center)

Name Centre for Learning Innovation and Adult Learning -

Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)

Status Part of university
Field information technology, media
Activities adult learning activities

Course develpoment



Research development

Contact Dr. András Szűcs - director
Parnership / Network
Focus group The Budapest University of Technology and Economics = 20 000 students
URL http://portal.bme.hu/langs/en/default.aspx

center of learning inovation and adult learning

! Partner in the MegaTrends project

The Budapest University of Technology and Economics, the second largest university in Hungary, established in 1997 its Distance Education Centre. It is a member of the largest European distance education association, the European Distance and ELearning Network (EDEN), the most comprehensive European association in open and distance learning (www.eden-online.org). The University hosts the Secretariat of EDEN. Further the Centre co-ordinates the work of the BME Professional Advisory Body for Adult Learning. ELearning is predominantly centralised in the University. The Distance Education Centre of the University is the main centre of eLearning. The Centre has expertise on activities related to distance education especially course development. It developed all together 12 teacher further distance education courses accredited by the Ministry of Education. The Centre has participated effectively in a high number of European Union projects and national projects.

Web-based training is available for teaching staff responsible for conducting eLearning classes and for learners to become proficient with the technology used to support the eLearning environment. ELearning course/programmes are developed in partial accordance with the European Credit Transfer System ‘Information Package/Course Catalogue’ checklist and transfer.

The majority of eLearning activity is provided in a blended mode. The Institution does not have a defined eLearning Strategy.

Web URL: http://elearning.itc.hu/niif/inside/oldalak/curlist.php