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UNIQUe - European University Quality in eLearning

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UNIQUe, project coordinated by Menon Network EEIG

October 2006 - September 2008


UNIQUe Information package

11 pages.



UNIQUe Project Team


The aim of the UNIQUe approach is to support HE institutions to measure how successful they are in technology-enhanced learning and to allow for continuous improvement.

UNIQUe is an accelerator for quality improvement and innovation. Providing industry-wide benchmarks, it will dramatically enhance the implementation speed of the Bologna reforms, in the area of technology-enhanced learning.

Compared to other quality initiatives in the area of technology-enhanced learning, UNIQUe has a broader institutional approach and is not only related to e-learning. The UNIQUe quality label builds on the broadest stakeholder involvement.

The UNIQUe process is structured in six very distinct stages and offers a formalised approach in each of the steps. The UNIQUe quality label provides an accreditation as a result, next to continuous quality improvement mechanisms.

The UNIQUe quality label focuses on innovation. UNIQUe ensures continuous quality improvement since it is a diagnostic tool for self-assessment of the institution.

The UNIQUe quality label is based on excellent “parents” schemes such as: CEL, MASSIVE and SEEQUEL.

UNIQUe information package

UNIQUe Info Package RH Final (PDF)



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