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Name: CIAN - Convergence Internet Audiovisuel Numérique


  • Arts
  • Audiovisuel
  • Informatic

Web site: [1]


Nowadays television and internet get closer. The aim of the CIAN e-campus is to create bridge between this two disciplines in order to reduce the gaps that exist between technology and its application and to enrich both disciplines. This formation was set up for students with scientific and artistic profiles for academic studies, as well as actors of telecominucation and audiovisuel for the continuing education.

Objectives Create bridge between the 2 disciplines : specialists of audiovisuel (director, film editor, cameraman, sound engineer) and specialist of WEB (webmaster, developper, designer, system integrator) et dans une perspective interne, les personnels IATOS appelés à exercer dans les CIME (Centre d'Ingénierie Multimédia Educatif) Offers an education program based on a double competency (cultural and technilogical). Creation of a track with diploma (professional license) and qualifying modules (certification composed of ECTS credits).

Pedagogy The contents are elaborated according to a grid of competencies based on professional expectations referenced in multimeida and audiovisual production line. Eachh module is composed of a course (video-streaming synchronised), a self training part with tutor and a evalaution part with exercises. For the field work, regroupements/training are organised.


Set up a muldisciplinary research team that work on virtual studio (sound and video)based on the principle of sumulators allowing learner to work in a virtual intereactive environment.

Constitution of the consortium:

  • Université Rennes 2 Haute Bretagne
  • Université Rennes 1
  • Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO)
  • Université Nancy 2 - Vidéoscop