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Alberta/Open Educational Resources fund

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< Alberta
Revision as of 16:45, 10 February 2023 by Pbacsich (talk | contribs)
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This is an entry from the OER World Map.


The purpose is to provide publicly funded post-secondary institutions in Alberta the opportunity to apply for funding to support the assembly, use, development, implementation and evaluation of Open Education Resources (OERs) to support teaching, learning and research. There will be an expectation that projects be available or deposited into a provincial repository and available for broad viewing and use.

Grant Success Criteria: http://albertaoer.com/?q=content/guidelines

  • Must not duplicate the purpose of Open Educational Resources available.
  • Must be Creative Commons Attribution licensed (CC-BY SA).
  • Must explicitly demonstrate the value and cost-savings to the student and the educational system.
  • Must demonstrate inter-departmental and/or inter-institutional collaboration.
  • Must meet one or more of the defined grant categories.

A $2 million OER initiative.

Policy Comments:


A policy


Call for proposals/tenders/grants

Start year


End year


Country code


Education sector

Higher Education






This entry appears to describe the Campus Alberta OER Initiative, which finished 5 years ago.

The Campus Alberta Open Educational Resources (OER) Initiative was a 3-year government funded initiative designed to:

  • assist with reducing the costs of a post-secondary education for students; and,
  • provide students and faculty members with the flexibility they need, offering updated, relevant content for learning.

In March 2013 the Alberta Ministry of Innovation and Advanced Education entered a Memorandum of Understanding with British Columbia and Saskatchewan to collaborate on the development of common Open Education Resources within their respective advanced education sectors recognizing the benefits of sharing existing Open Educational Resources with a focus on mutual areas of interest. This MOU was foundational to the establishment of the Alberta OER Initiative.

Alberta OER Initiative reference documents:

  1. Memorandum of Understanding (Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan: not now available.
  2. Program Evaluation submitted to Advanced Education by the Campus Alberta OER Steering Committee on April 3, 2017: not now available.
  3. Environmental Scan submitted with the program evaluation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KqJjyTv1uF1VzStIJtg5ViI8y_IG6XKwbFNvit7ILGM/view
  4. Summary of all program administration and key documents spanning July 2014-2017: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L-A1MvOj6ps4qUj3zIN066X_sd5lRIuH4HGgI8bA7to/edit
  5. To access OER created through the Campus Alberta OER Initiative, click http://www.albertaoer.com/content/repository This content is hosted by the BC Campus Open Textbook Library.

> OER World Map