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University of Wisconsin Extension
The ’’University of Wisconsin-Extension’’ (UW-Extension) supports individuals at all stages in life seeking educational opportunities. Its mission is to provide “anytime, anywhere” lifelong learning opportunities via flexible delivery methods (including distance-learning technologies). Courses include those for credit, certificates, personal enrichment and professional training.
UW-Extension’s main office is in Madison, Wisconsin. 26 University of Wisconsin campuses offer Continuing Education programs throughout the state. Distance-learning courses are coordinated by the UW-Extension’s Office of Continuing Education, Outreach and E-Learning, which draws on over 110 years of experience in distance learning provision. Courses are available both in print format and online. In 2008, there were 15 online degree and certificate programs (with 14 partnering UW institutions); 8 online degree programs; and more than 300 print-based university, continuing education and high school courses. In all, more than 6,000 programs serve nearly 200,000 people annually (from all 50 US states, and over 100 countries).
UW-Extension offices are located in every Wisconsin county of the state, at the 13 UW colleges and the 13 four-year UW universities. Funding comes from state, county, tribal and federal government sources.
UW learning activities may take place via streaming audio and video, webcasting, audio-conferencing, “interactive” videoconferencing and web-conferencing. Course materials are delivered via the Desire2Learn system, although (according to a UW tech support web site) some courses may be delivered by Blackboard as well.
UW-Extension also manages Wisconsin Public Radio and Wisconsin Public Television.
The UW-extension Web site is http://www.uwex.edu/.
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