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Lo-net and Virtuelles Gymnasium Sonthofen

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The Sonthofen Gymnasium, in Germany is an interesting example of adoption of the lo-net services to create virtual classrooms and change the traditional way of teaching-learning in school.

Lo-net stands for "lehrer-Online-Netzwerks" (teacher on line network) and is a service provided in Germany by Schulen and Nets - free of charge - for schools. The second version of lo-net was launched in 2006, and provides for the possibility to create virtual learning environments (virtual classrooms and groups) where teachers and students can work and where it is possible to exchange artefacts and materials. As mentioned in the Lo-net website homepage "“LO-Net makes true the dream of the virtual school: teachers and learners work together in classes and courses online, school organization and work with parents take place in the network. Already more than 6,500 schools nationwide use the web-based learning and work lo-net platform, the comprehensive and innovative solution for schools.”

In the Sonthofen Gymansium, which has subscribed to the lo-net system, all teachers and students have their own account, which is also an email address. In 2006 Many teachers in the school were already giving their lessons using lo-net, including homeworks, opportunities for additional practice, etc.. Students can also work with their classmates, exchange material, i.e. upload and download presentations. Forum and chats are also available. The learning environment access is controlled but can be opened either to other classrooms, as well as to parents etc.. (it would be interesting to see how the situation has developed after 2006)

see [1]