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Finnish Information Society Development Centre

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The Finnish Information Society Development Centre (TIEKE) has a key networking role as a neutral and non-profit organisation in promoting the efforts of its members, within the public and private sectors alike, with an ultimate goal to create viable tools and expertise for use in the information society. TIEKE's membership mirrors the entire spectrum of Finnish society and all key players in the information society, with over 100 organisations and companies. Members represent enterprises who develop, manufacture, market, and support ICT products and services, as well as companies and organisations who deploy ICT in their operations, and also several ministries and public agencies, some directly involved in Information Society development.

Learning, eLearning and ICT skills in working life have been TIEKE´s key role for a long time. The Finnish innovation, Computer Driving Licence (origin for ECDL and ICDL) has been developed and maintained by TIEKE for more than 15 years. The newer Knowledge Work Examination enhances collaboration and both individual and organizational versatile ICT skills.

TIEKE has links with global networks such as UN, EU, ICT associations and ministerial networks. It has been actively involved in projects in South Africa, Ethiopia, Nicaragua and Vietnam. TIEKE's e-skills examinations have played a key role in these.

For more details see http://www.tieke.fi/in_english/


TIEKE is a partner in VISCED.

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