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ELTI is one of the five methodologies that was used in the Higher Education Academy Benchmarking e-Learning Exercise.

Further details

The ELTI audit was originally developed as part of a JISC project and was designed to inform the process of embedding learning technologies, assist in developing appropriate institutional structures, culture and expertise and to encourage cross boundary collaboration and groupings.

The ELTI approach focuses on:

  • 3 general areas for exploration: Culture, Infrastructure, and Expertise
  • 12 key factors are identified, 4 in each area
  • Up to 10 indicators are agreed, to reflect institutional context, for each factor.

Indicators are expressed as positive statements, which can be assessed according to a 1-5 scale but can also include qualitative statements.

During the e-Learning Benchmarking Pilot the three institutions used the ELTI tools and produced alterations and their own contextualised indicators. These were consolidated into a revised toolkit for Phase 1.

ELTI has the following resources:

  1. Higher Education Academy e-Learning Benchmarking Project Consultant Final (Public) Report, Peter Chatterton, September 2006 - available at http://elearning.heacademy.ac.uk/weblogs/benchmarking/wp-content/uploads/2006/09/Chatterton-final-public-report20060904_publish.doc. In this crisp 13-page report the main section of relevance to methodology is Section 3 (especially pages 7-8).
  2. Benchmarking e-learning: Embedding Learning Technologies Institutionally (ELTI) - a series of Reports from the University of Hertfordshire. This is a comprehensive and rather daunting set of reports with a mass of information. From the narrow standpoint of methodology the most useful are:
  3. A department-based revision of the ELTI survey available on the University of Bristol blog or directly at http://www.survey.bris.ac.uk/ltss/elti.

The global view of ELTI is given in the entry for ELTI in the Wikipedia entry for Benchmarking e-learning.

Pilot Phase

ELTI was trialled in the Higher Education Academy Benchmarking Pilot, by three universities whose blogs are:

The version of ELTI on which the trials were originally based was the version produced in 2003 at the end of the JISC ELTI project. The document ELTI Audit Tools is the most directly relevant to what is commonly accepted as benchmarking, especially section 1 on so-called "Institutional Factors"; however, some at least of the pilot sites took a broader view.

Phase 1

In Phase 1 ELTI was used by six institutions: Bradford College, University of East London, Manchester Metropolitan University, Nottingham Trent University, University of Sunderland and West Nottinghamshire College.

Phase 2

In Phase 2 ELTI was not used. However, at a few HEIs, some of the ELTI indicators were drawn on for staff and student questionnaires supplying data for Pick&Mix benchmarking.

Since 2007

There is no evidence that ELTI is still used.

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