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Cape Verde

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Since it is a small and remote island, the information here on Cape Verde is reduced to the minimum for the purposes of Re.ViCa.

Partners situated in Cape Verde


Cape Verde in a nutshell

The Republic of Cape Verde (Portuguese: Cabo Verde), is a republic located on an archipelago in the Macaronesia ecoregion of the North Atlantic Ocean, off the western coast of Africa. The previously uninhabited islands were discovered and colonized by the Portuguese in the fifteenth century (though there may have been earlier discoveries), and attained independence in 1975.

Cape Verde is named after the original Portuguese form for Cap Vert (Cabo Verde, Green Cape) in Senegal, the westernmost point of continental Africa. The country's name can be pronounced many ways in English. Cape is pronounced like the article of clothing. Verde is generally pronounced to rhyme with "bird" or "Herd," though rhyming with "bear D" or "bear day" are also heard. "Cabo" is not used in English.

The population of Cape Verde is Verde.aspx estimated as 423,000.

For more information see the wikipedia article on Cape Verde.

Cape Verde education policy


Cape Verde education system


Higher education

Universities in Cape Verde

Polytechnics in Cape Verde

Higher education reform

The Bologna Process

Administration and finance


Quality assurance


Cape Verde HEIs in the information society

Towards the information society

Information society strategy

Not known.
