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Etäkoulu Kulkuri

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Etäkoulu Kulkuri


Kulkuri (”Tramp”) is a distance school for Finnish children living abroad. In the distance school they study together with students from other counties. The main subject is Finnish language, but if needed, students can complete the whole comprehensive school syllabus.

Finnish language is very important to children living abroad so it needs to be taken care of. In Kulkuri on can study either by eLearning or correspondence course. In eLearning one studies together with other students living all around the world. Correspondence course is ideal if the student wants to start at chosen time and proceed in personal speed. If the student lives in a place where there is no international school, it is also possible to complete the whole comprehensive school syllabus in Kulkuri.


Kulkuri is a part of Kansanvalistusseura, KVS Foundation which is the oldest adult education organization in Finland, with ideological roots in the very same national and cultural awakening which later led to Finland's national independence in 1917. KVS Foundation was transformed into a foundation in the mid-1930s. For decades it was the main provider of education for the great public, both as courses and booklets. Distance education courses were developed in the 1920s.

KVS Foundation maintains also Orivesi College of Arts (an independent college focusing on education of music, creative writing, and visual arts) and Etäopisto which offers distance courses to all adults.

Business idea and objectives

Kulkuri maintains and develops language skills and cultural identity of Finnish children living abroad. The students receive up-to-date and professional teaching in comprehensive school subjects. Students can choose courses according to their personal needs. It is also possible to complete the whole comprehensive school syllabus, and then the diploma enables students to apply to post-compulsory level studies via joint application system.

The emphasis in Kulkuri is in developing teaching methods and lines of action, further education of personnel and maintaining and developing modern learning environments. Constant development work and self evaluation guarantees high level of teaching and lines of action.