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National Network of Digital Schools
The National Network of Digital Schools (NNDS) is a 501(c)3 non-profit management foundation, privider of Lincoln Interactive course content and provider of "comprehensive management services" to US virtual schools. It is located in the US state of Pennsylvania.
It is unusual as a nonprofit provider of e-learning content to so many schools and school districts; see http://www.nndsonline.org/about/ournetwork.html for a full list. The Lincoln Interactive online curriculum is now used by more than 200 public, private, parochial, charter and online schools across the country.
The National Network of Digital Schools web site is at http://www.nndsonline.org
More Details
NNDS links leaders in online education by facilitating a network of educators to share best practices, develop innovative learning opportunities and improve student achievement through the use of technology and high quality instruction.
- "A National Primer on K-12 Online Learning", iNACOL, October 2010, http://www.inacol.org/research/docs/national_report.pdf
- "Keeping Pace With Online Learning: An Annual Review of Policy and Practice", Evergreen Education Group, 2010, http://kpk12.com/reports/
- National Network of Digital Schools web site, http://www.nndsonline.org
> Pennsylvania
> United States
> Virtual schools
national Network of Digital Schools