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Revision as of 14:14, 1 August 2011 by Pbacsich (talk | contribs) (to universities in country)
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(VISCED staff should copy across any Re.ViCa information on universities and polytechnics but should not create any new information or even update any information unless it is quick to do so.)

(Read other pages to ensure you are not providing too much detail.)

(Detailed information on relevant ministries, agencies and institutions should be created on separate pages and linked in to this page.)

by authorname authorsurname

(Replace by name(s) of lead author(s) and also cite the main Re.ViCa author.)

Partners and Experts in Country

(This should include VISCED partners in the country, or partners from other current/former relevant projects such as Re.ViCa, as well as members of IAC and other experts in universities, key ministries or agencies.)

Country in a nutshell

Enter a few sentences - focus on name(s) of country, location, population, capital city.

(Please look for up to date information especially for population.)

Education in Country

(Overview of all sectors (schools and post-secondary), focussing on laws, statistics, organisation, ministries and agencies.)

(If already in page, make the Re.ViCa header Education Policy in Country a subheader of Education in Country.)

Schools in Country

(Cover pre-primary, primary and secondary (all kinds including vocational.)

(Please include an introduction to schools and a list of schools. If there are too many schools in this country, link to an external list of all the schools (on Ministry’s website or Wikipedia) and list the most important ones: well-known school or exemplar.)

(Make sure you include private schools - non-profit, e.g. foundations. and for-profit.)

(Include a section on homeschooling if applicable.)

Further and Higher education

Universities in Country

Polytechnics in Country

Colleges in Country

Education reform



Administration and finance



Quality assurance, inspection and accreditation



Information society

ICT in education initiatives

Virtual initiatives in schools

Virtual initiatives in post-secondary education

Lessons learnt

General lessons

Notable practices


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