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User:Paul Bacsich

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Paul Bacsich became a full-time consultant in April 2004. In his earlier career he was at the Open University for 24 years, finally as co-founder and Assistant Director of the Knowledge Media Institute. In 1996 he left to take up a professorship in the School of Computing and Management Sciences of Sheffield Hallam University. He set up and ran for three years the Virtual Campus Programme, and the Telematics in Education Research Group (TERG) from which bid for and won many contracts in the general area of e-learning from JISC (costing and change management), Becta, DfES and Sun Microsystems. In 2005 he became a consultant to the HE Academy, first through the three phases of the benchmarking e-learning Programme, then for Pathfinder Phase 1 and more recently for the Gwella benchmarking and enhancement project in Wales, with recent responsibility for Glamorgan and Aberystwyth Universities. In August 2008 he took up a part-time Senior Consultant role with Sero Consulting Ltd, working on a range of research and development contracts mostly for Becta but also with involvement in JISC (Libraries 2.0 and costs), Becta and DCELLs (Wales).

See also Paul Bacsich on this wiki and http://www.mendeley.com/profiles/paul-bacsich/