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AVNET - K.U.Leuven
AVNet - K.U.Leuven is Partner 1 in the project.
AVNet is an acronym for Audio-Visual and New Educational Technologies, and contains an explicit reference to networking.
The AVNet Department of the K.U.Leuven is a university interface that aims to support networked e-learning in an international context, i.e. to support local university teachers in the internationalisation of their education by using ICT. It does this by providing advice, design, development, implementation, and training services. AVNet also assesses (inter)national trends in order to encourage local university teachers to participate in (inter)national activities and to translate (inter)national initiatives to the local and/or regional setting. AVNet has participated in a number of research projects on virtual education, e-learning and technology-enhanced learning in general.
The K.U.Leuven, as a traditional university, progressively organizes its educational support from a multicampus perspective. AVNet explicitly supports the use of new educational technologies for multicampus education.
See http://www.avnet.kuleuven.be/.
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