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LATWF 2010

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Revision as of 11:56, 9 January 2010 by Pbacsich (talk | contribs) (wikified CRISSSCEL)
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LATWF 2010 is the Learning and Technology World Forum due to be held in London on 11-13 January 2010, just before BETT, the large educational technology trade show focussed mainly on schools.

Full details are available at http://www.latwf.org

The first Learning and Technology World Forum, LATWF 2009, was held in London in January 2009 - highlights are available on the web at http://www.latwf.org/en-gb/About/2009-Highlights/

Several members of the Re.ViCa project team and of the International Advisory Committee were at LATWF 2009

They also plan to be at LATWF 2010 and some will be presenting a session:

  • Session 8 - Critical Success Scheme for Step-Change in E-Learning – CRISSSCEL

For more details see http://www.latwf.org/en-gb/Speakers-and-programme/Programme/Day-2/Day-two-programme/Innovation-exchange-two/Session-8/

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