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Ministry of Science and Higher Education

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The Ministry of Education, University and Research (Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego) in Poland.

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education provides the organisational support for the activities being in the scope of responsibility of the minister, which includes all matters concerning science and higher education. The most significant tasks entrusted to the organisational units of the ministry include:

  • managing budgetary resources assigned for subsidies, grants, scholarships, prizes etc. in the field of science and higher education,
  • coordinating relevant projects co-financed by the European structural funds,
  • promoting Polish science and higher education abroad and at the domestic level,
  • drawing up projects and strategies concerning the development of Polish research landscape and higher education system,
  • supervising the existing structures and institutions in view of the ongoing reforms and modernisation,
  • cooperation with foreign institutions and participation in international programs and events concerning the matters of science, research and higher education,
  • dealing with all matters concerning Polish and foreign students, lecturers and researchers working at Polish scientific facilities and higher education institutions.

The ministry's web site is at http://www.eng.nauka.gov.pl ([http://www.eng.nauka.gov.pl/ms/index.jsp?place=Menu01&news_cat_id=-1&layout=0 in English).

Note: this ministry is different from the Ministry of National Education

> Poland