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Uvirtual it is a group of Chilean universities and the consortium REUNA (related to ICT and networks for education). It was born in late of 1998.
UVirtual arises as a response to the obvious need, showing universities to unite their efforts for a rapid and planned adoption of new teaching-learning methods, using modern information and communication technologies.
UVirtual led projects where the technology enables:
- Access the academic knowledge without having to physically enter a campus (the distance is not an excuse).
- Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of learning processes
- Flexible learning models
- Share the culture, experience and knowledge that is generated inside the universities.
Appropriation of new educational technologies is a strategic option which aims to insert a property with the Higher Education of Chile in the wide world of globalism. Uvirtual offers several services like:
- Uvirtual training: Offering several courses related to many fields.
- Uvirtual services: Video Conferencing, platform support pedagogical design.
The website is at http://www.uvirtual.cl/principal/inicio/inicio.htm (fully in spanish).