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Universidade Católica Portuguesa

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Revision as of 07:59, 24 July 2009 by NikkiCortoos (talk | contribs) (added link)
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The Universidade Católica in Portugal was highlighted through the survey results. The collected data indicates an overall commitment of the University in the 4 particular areas of institutional activity relevant to eLearning education: Teachers, Learners, Teaching Methodology and Institution.

In January 2003, the University Senate approved the establishment of a new Institute for Distance Learning (IEFD). IEFD is directed predominantly to post-graduate level education and to the pedagogical renewal of the University. The new Institute is deemed complementary and subsidiary in nature regarding the other (traditional) education structures: Schools, Institutes, Regional Centers, and Study Centers. IEFD developed a broad dialogue with the different University units to identify opportunities and priorities. The idea was to help units become aware of opportunities and define their own priorities in ODL programmes. Moreover, IEFD provides the necessary technical and pedagogical support to help realize sectoral priorities.

Web URL: http://www.ucp.pt/site/custom/template/ucptplportalhome.asp?sspageid=1&lang=1

> Portugal