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Morten Flate Paulsen
Morten Flate Paulsen is Professor of Online Education at the Norwegian School of Information Technology (NITH) and Director of Development at NKI Distance Education in Norway. He is on the Executive Committee for the European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) and on the European Association for Distance Learning (EADL) R&D committee. He is regional editor for IRRODL (The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning) and EURODL (The European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning). He is also on the Editorial Board of seminar.net.
He has worked with online education since he designed NKI’s first Learning Management System in 1986 and published many books, reports and articles about the topic. Many of his publications and presentations are available at his personal homepage at http://home.nettskolen.com/~morten/. His book Online Education and Learning Management Systems is available via www.studymentor.com. Paulsen was the founder of The Distance Education Online Symposium (DEOS) in 1990, when he worked with the American Center for the Study of Distance Education at The Pennsylvania State University. He was the founding editor of DEOSNEWS and the first moderator of DEOS-L. Paulsen's dissertation is on "Teaching Techniques for Computer-mediated Communication". This research included a survey of 150 online teachers in 30 countries. Paulsen is Doctor of Education from the Pennsylvania State University, Department of Adult Education and Instructional Systems in 1998, and Master of Science in Engineering from the Norwegian Institute of Technology (The University of Trondheim), Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1980. He was appointed Adjunct Professor, at the Athabasca University, Centre for Distance Education in 1999. In 2003, he was re-appointed Adjunct Professor for a new three year period.
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