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Enhancement Academy

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The Enhancement Academy is a National initiative in England (a home nation of the UK) funded and managed by the Higher Education Academy (UK).

Its focus is mainly in England (in fact 6 places were reserved for the HEFCE-funded institutions who had participated in phase two of the Benchmarking Programme). but it includes one member from each of the other home nations of the UK.

The Enhancement Academy has been informed by the successful outcomes of the Benchmarking Programme and Pathfinder Programme and the Change Academy model. It is designed to help senior institutional teams fully develop a project idea for the institution in the area of enhancement through technology.

Each participating institution's project team has an Academy-designated Critical Friend.

An outline description of the Programme is given at http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/ourwork/learning/elt/enhancementacademy from which this summary is derived.

The project is coordinated via a blog at http://elearning.heacademy.ac.uk/weblogs/ea/

A fuller description is available in a posting "About the Enhancement Academy" at http://elearning.heacademy.ac.uk/weblogs/ea/?p=4.


The project also employs the "CAMEL" method of collaboration introduced in the Pathfinder Programme and also used in the benchmarking phase of the Gwella Programme. CAMEL was first developed by the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) and JISC, under a project funded by HEFCE.

Partner institutions

Nine institutions were chosen to take part in the 2009 Enhancement Academy (EA);

  1. University of Chichester
  2. Goldsmiths, University of London
  3. Northumbria University
  4. Robert Gordon University, Scotland
  5. Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland
  6. University of Southampton
  7. Leeds Metropolitan University
  8. Trinity and Lampeter, Wales

Continuation of the initiative

There are hints in the use of "2009" in the phrasing that it is envisaged that there will be further phases of the Enhancement Academy but none have so far been announced.

> UK

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