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Change Academy

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The Change Academy is organised through a partnership between the Higher Education Academy and the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education in the UK. It is a year-long programme of support for teams from higher education institutions that enables them to develop the knowledge, capacity and enthusiasm for achieving complex institutional change. It provides unique opportunities for team-based learning and professional development that focus on the strategic interests and needs of the participating institutions.

The programme is summarised at http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/ourwork/institutions/change

Features of the Change Academy

The main features are:

  • support for team selection and management
  • team-based discussions focused on different dimensions of project planning and implementation
  • plenary sessions aimed at understanding how people and organisations change and how change is evaluated
  • creative thinking sessions to help teams think about the sorts of changes they are promoting and the particular contexts in which they work
  • social interaction and networking with other participants
  • the space, time and opportunity to think about and plan a major change project that will affect the team's institution.

The Change Academy provides:

  • a unique high quality environment for professional learning
  • excellent facilitation and consultancy
  • support for the change process before and after the 4-day residential, including a long-term support network
  • collaborative learning across institutions and the potential for networking that will have longer-term, unanticipated benefits
  • access to the results of institutional change as it is developed through the Change Academy
  • access to a wide range of relevant resources and evaluation tools.

Scope note

We do not regard the Change Academy as a National initiative as it is not sufficiently linked to e-learning. However, the Enhancement Academy derived from it does count as a National initiative.

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