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Collaborative European Virtual University

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The Collaborative European Virtual University (CEVU, cEVU) was selected in 2001 under Erasmus Transversal Actions. It was funded through 2003. As noted in the project description:

This project is aimed at the development of validated e-learning models and ideas for a European virtual university, based on regional and transnational collaboration between existing European universities.

Project results have been published in a 'Manual for a collaborative European Virtual University', which includes guidelines for decision makers, managers, teachers, trainers, and technicians.

The CEVU web site is at http://www.europace.org/rdcevu.php


The cEVU project aimed at the development of validated e-learning models and ideas for a European virtual university. It was a proposed collaboration between five existing international university networks, which were already actively pursuing academic and organisational cohesion in the areas of distance and online learning: EuroPACE ivzw, EUNITE, ECIU, Coimbra Group and EUA. The project positioned itself in the ongoing evolution in Europe,implementing ICT in education as a strategic issue for future university development. It wanted to study why a collaborative European Virtual Education would be beneficial to universities, how it should be structured and operated and what should be put in place to support its cretaion. The following activities were undertaken:

  • study of the elements of joint working practices, models and policies for distance and online education.
  • development of the technical infrastructure for a collaborative European Virtual University, together with the necessary teaching and learning services.
  • validation by the participating institutions through a set of high quality online pilot courses.


The outcomes of the cEVU project were published in an online ‘Manual for a collaborative European Virtual University’ with recommendations and guidelines for decision makers, teachers, trainers, managers and technicians. The manual focuses on collaborative European Virtual Universities as one format of transnational virtual higher education.

See http://www.europace.org/reports3.php for the CEVU output report.


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