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National Open University

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The National Open University of Taiwan (NOU) offers courses in a variety of media. It was founded in 1986, and offers both degree and non-degree level courses. There were 16,300 students enrolled for the 2007-2008 academic year, studying at 14 sites around the country. Most of the university's students are distance learners between the ages of 25 and 64. Many NOU courses cater to the elderly, however.

As noted in the first report cited below:

The University provides learning opportunities for adult continuing education and lifelong learning. Its special features are multiple teaching media and multiple learning channels. The media used include print, TV, radio, audio and video cassettes, telephone, floppy disks, CDs and the Internet. The NOU mainly provides teaching at a distance, with face-to-face teaching once a month as the supplement.

The NOU web site is at http://www.nou.edu.tw/~eng/


See an interesting 2006 report on NOU at http://aaou.ut.web.id/jurnal_aaou/2006/05_ming.pdf, "A Challenge for the Open and Distance Education in Taiwan".

See http://taiwanreview.nat.gov.tw/ct.asp?CtNode=119&xItem=44605 for recent information about NOU.

> Taiwan
> Programmes