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Case study structure

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I propose a scheme with three main sections and the middle section subdivided. This scheme will be used for structuring reports on institutions of interest on the long/medium/short lists.

The scheme here pays particular attention to the Re.ViCa topics proposed in the workplan – coded R and in boldface in the lists below.

A General institutional summary including history

This section describes the institution generally, putting its e-learning into context. Statistics on staff and student numbers (and demographics) are seen as important. Other aspects are:

  • R7 business models (national, international, partners, sponsor)
  • R10 internationalisation aspects – virtual mobility, etc
  • R13 history and life cycle

B Details

The subsections here describe the institution from the point of view of e-learning.

B.1 External environment

B.1.1 Government including funding

This should include:

  • R2 Environmental parameters (legislation, financing, [external] educational structures)

B.1.2 Markets

The market discussion should include:

  • R12 language(s) and culture(s).

B.1.3 Accreditation and external quality assurance

This should include:

  • R11 Accreditation and creditation (credit transfer) procedures

B.1.4 Collaboration

This should include:

  • R14 international/national partners – see business model

B.2 Strategy

This includes business models, vision, and mission as well as strategy – but not annual planning and project/programme decisions.

B.2.1 General

This should include:

  • R1 Target group [for e-learning]

B.2.2 Learning and teaching

This should include a summary of the learning and teaching strategy.

B.2.3 e-learning specifically

This should include a summary of the e-learning strategy

B.3 Structures

In particular, how are the structures coping with e-learning? In other words:

  • R8 organizational embedding (of e-learning) into organisational structure

B.4 Management processes

This has a focus on learning and teaching with other aspects viewed from this perspective.

B.4.1 Learning and teaching delivery – including learning support

This should include:

  • R3 Pedagogical approach (recruitment of teachers?) – didactical matters, course offerings [suitable for e-learning]

B.4.2 Learning and teaching development including materials and IPR

This should include:

  • R6 content production (own, buy-in, what kind), IPR, OER – and relation to research activities – libraries, repositories

B.4.3 Learning and teaching evaluation and quality

This should include evaluation and also:

  • R5 Quality procedures – model used – assurance and enhancement

B.4.4 Communications

This has been confirmed as a key topic in recent benchmarking work.

B.4.5 Value for money

This covers annual planning and project decision-making as well as costs management.

B.5 Individuals and their roles – Staff

B.5.1 Teachers, lecturers, trainers and equivalent support roles

This covers staff development, staff skills, staff attitudes, staff reward and recognition, etc.

B.5.2 Management and leadership

Consideration of the above issues as they affect leaders (Rectors, Vice-Chancellors, etc) and academic and support service managers (Deans, Directors, etc).

B.6 Individuals and their roles – Students

With a focus on how things affect and are viewed by them, including student satisfaction, skills and outcomes. This topic is still neglected even in recent work.

B.7 The technology being used

This should be taken in a wide sense e.g. include TV as well as IT. In other words:

  • R4 technology infrastructure – media approach

C Future plans

This section covers current institutional change aspects (towards a foreseen and planned future changes) as well as future changes a bit further out.


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