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EuroPACE ivzw

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EuroPACE ivzw is Partner 2 of the project, based in BE (Belgium). Its short name is EuroPACE.

EuroPACE ivzw is a European non-profit association of universities and their partners in education and training, e.g. private companies, international networks and governmental institutions. The main objective of EuroPACE is to foster networked e-learning for virtual mobility, for internationalisation of higher education, for knowledge creation and sharing and for lifelong learning. Its main interests are innovation in education, new educational technologies, quality in e-learning and e-learning competences and skills. Its target groups are higher education institutions, private companies and policy-making bodies. The main activities of EuroPACE are research and development through projects, networking, expert advice, events and publishing of reports, papers and presentations.

Its web site is http://www.europace.org/.

Members of EuroPACE


  1. Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven (Belgium)
  2. Lessius Hogeschool (Belgium)
  3. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - K.U.Leuven (Belgium)
  4. Universiteit Gent (Belgium)
  5. University of Brussels (VUB) (Belgium)
  6. University of Zagreb - University Computing Centre (Croatia)
  7. Helsinki University of Technology (Finland)
  8. Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
  9. Vidéoscop - Université Nancy 2 (France)
  10. FernUniversität in Hagen (Germany)
  11. University of West-Hungary (Hungary)
  12. Consorzio NETTUNO (Italy)
  13. Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
  14. West Pomeranian Business School (Poland)
  15. Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia)
  16. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)

Regional, National and International Organisations

  1. European Academy for Sciences and Arts (Austria)
  2. SPACE (Belgium)
  3. S.E.F.I. (Belgium)
  4. European Lifelong Learning Initiative (UK)
  5. EDEN

> Partners