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D5.2 Dissemination report

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Revision as of 18:27, 2 November 2014 by (Main)>Pbacsich (added Executive Summary and Conclusions)
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Type of outcome /product/results: Report (public)

Delivery date: April 2014 ((changed to June 2014, the new end of project, by the Amendment))

Nature: Report

Language versions: English

Target languages:

The Dissemination Report will describe how commitments have been met related to the dissemination activities, materials, planning and the obtained results, including an impact evaluation of the activities (e.g. numbers of people reached and their reactions). The structure will be determined by Deliverable 5.1 but is expected to contain:

  • details of conference presentations especially invited presentations
  • reports written, especially papers for learned journals
  • numbers of wiki pages, blog postings, tweets, Facebook postings, etc - with information on accesses, comments, followers, friends etc.

It will also summarise dissemination routes that emerged but were not foreseen at project bid time or even project start. A possible example - based on thinking in VISCED - would be the use of POERUP project outputs in graduate courses in OER policy.

Report (and annexes)

There is a Report

and five Annexes:

  1. Annex 1: see File:POERUP D5.2 Annex 1 DG-actions-to-Final-report.pdf
  2. Annex 2: see File:POERUP D5.2 Annex 2 DG-weblinks-to-Final-report.pdf
  3. Annex 3: see File:POERUP D5.2 Annex 3 DG-synergies-to-Final-report.pdf
  4. Annex 4: see File:POERUP D5.2 Annex 4 Twitters-sorted-to-Final-report.pdf
  5. Annex 5: see File:POERUP D5.2 Annex 5 Twitters-numbered-to-Final-report.pdf

Executive Summary

This report lists all the POERUP deliverables and outputs and attempts, where appropriate, to identify their impact. The key project presentations are described in another deliverable (D5.4 – Project Presentations); this report identifies the potential impact that the project deliverables have had to date.


The main thrust of the original Dissemination Plan (D5.1) has been adhered to, in spite of the many difficulties the project encountered through the enforced withdrawal of a key partner half way through. Although only five of the six remaining partners made presentations at national / international conferences, the sixth partner (University of Lorraine) was deeply involved with the French ministry throughout the policy development phase of POERUP and used project analysis and research in detailed discussions with them.

The planned total of presentations was comfortably exceeded and the project extension until June 2014 made it possible to include presentations at two important conferences which would otherwise have been out of scope for this report: the LINQ/EFQUEL Innovation Forum in Crete (May) and the EDEN conference in Zagreb (June). A search of presentations on Slideshare, using ‘POERUP’ as the search term reveals a total of 119 presentations including references to the project.

Impact is difficult to assess immediately after the end of such a project; the main purpose was to generate policy recommendations at national and EU levels which were firmly founded in research and analysis and such recommendations take time to deliver results. During the course of the project in 2013, at the time when the Commission was preparing its Opening Up Education initiative, we received anecdotal evidence that the POERUP research and draft recommendations had had some influence on the content of the initiative and its Key Transformative Actions.

The project extension also enabled us to undertake a more extensive revision of the main country reports and to develop interactive maps of OER initiatives. The development of maps enabled fruitful links with a number of other current EU projects – notably eMundus – see http://www.emundusatlas.org/world.