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Saskatoon Cyber Catholic School

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Revision as of 16:23, 6 September 2011 by Barry Phillips (talk | contribs) (SCCS new page)
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In 2000 Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools System in Saskatchewan developed the Saskatoon Cyber Catholic School (SCCS) to serve schools across its constituency and catchment.

Its website is http://scs.sk.ca/cyber/

Further Information

The Saskatoon Catholic Schools System has been a leader in exploiting technologies in support of students' learning. In 1999 the Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools executive council's desire to meet the changing education environment was the catalyst for the development of the Saskatoon Cyber Catholic School (SCCS). By August of the following year the SCCS was operational offering 4 courses to the 156 enrolled students. The total (since its implementation) number of students enrolled now runs into several thousands.

Saskatoon Catholic Cyber School was intended to "...have the potential to meet the needs of students in the global context by providing relevant education using current technologies.". The teaching staff were said to be recruited for " ...their content expertise within courses rather than their facility with technology." The SCCS website states that teaching staff are all part-time at SCCS and all have taught conventional classes within the school division. NB. This last information is assumed to have currency but this particular web page has not been updated for some time (although the website itself is certainly current).

