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Fundação Bradesco Escola Virtual

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The Fundação Bradesco Escola Virtual (Virtual School) extends the pedagogical project of the Bradesco Foundation beyond the borders of its 40 school units.

Dedicated to offering distance learning courses - Internet-based and "semi-presential" segments of Basic Education, Training and Youth and Adult Education, this portal for e-learning is available to students and alumni, educators and staff of Bradesco Foundation, as well as people in the community and unemployed people who wish to obtain a new qualification or retraining for work.


The Virtual School portal has the capacity to serve up to 150,000 students. It was developed from a concept of mediation pedagogy that values ​​the interaction and collaboration of students through synchronous and asynchronous tools, "virtual campus" conferences online, exercises online, chat room and forum.

In addition to the courses offered, students may be learning via communities of practice.

Currently available are several subject areas: behavioural, information technology training, and continuing professional education.

The Fundação Bradesco Escola Virtual web site is at http://www.fb.org.br/Institucional/EscolaVirtual/

Further information

There is an interesting … at …


> Brazil
> Virtual schools