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Ministerio de Educación de la Nación

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Revision as of 10:20, 21 October 2009 by NikkiCortoos (talk | contribs) (added info on subdivision ministry)
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The Ministerio de Educación de la Nación (Ministry of National Education) in Argentina.

After independence, Argentina constructed a national public education system in comparison to other nations, placing the country high up in the global rankings of literacy. Today the country has a literacy rate of 97%, and three in eight adults over age 20 have completed secondary school studies or higher.

Education in Argentina is a responsibility shared by the national government, the provinces and federal district and private institutions, though basic guidelines have historically been set by the Ministry of Education.

Sourced from Wikipedia's page on Argentina > Education and Education in Argentina

Under the ministry, the Dirección Nacional de Gestión Universitaria (National Bureau of University Management) is responsible for the following actions:

- Coordinate the process of creation, modification and deletion of Private Universities Academic units or less, and the licensing procedures and curriculum in connection with the CONEAU* which is the Comisión Nacional de Evaluación y Acreditación Universitaria (National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation)).

- Understanding the regulation, monitoring and control of the processes of creation, modification and deletion of Private Universities Academic Units or less and in processing the update curricula in connection with the CONEAU.

- Provide technical assistance in their areas of responsibility to the institutions that require it.

- Develop proposals for minimum hourly charges, core curriculum and standards of professional practice intensity in the careers concerned.

- Propose criteria for national validity of academic degrees and titles and understood in its application.

- To perform the duties attached to the Technical Secretariat of the Council of Universities.

Its national director is Mr. Jorge STEIM.

*CONEAU was established to foster improvements of the university education in Argentina. Its main functions are:

  • To evaluate projects submitted by new public and private universities.
  • To perform external evaluation of university institutions.
  • To grant accreditation to government regulated undergraduate programs.
  • To grant accreditation to graduate programs.
  • To conduct evaluation processes for accreditation of private evaluation and accreditation organizations.

The ministry's web site is at http://www.me.gov.ar/spu/dngu/ (Official web site, Spanish)

> Argentina