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UT Telecampus
The UT Telecampus (Online education from University of Texas System Institutions, UTTC) is a central support unit that facilitates online education within the University of Texas System, US.
Launched in 1998, UTTC works with 15 University of Texas System institutions to build and deliver collaborative online courses, degree programs and support services. Students may complete most online degree programs or courses entirely from a distance.
Over 17 online programmes offer dozens of degree and certificate options via UTTC (there is a growing catalog of professional development courses as well).
In 2007-2008, UTTC averaged roughly 5,000 enrollments per academic semester. Courses run according to the campus calendar for any given semester, but provide flexible scheduling. UTTC students range in age from 17 – 61 but most are 20 to 40 years old.
UTTC provides comprehensive support to all campuses (including course design and delivery), and operates as a research entity as well - see http://telecampus.utsystem.edu/aboututtc/organizationoverview/mission.aspx for a detailed breakdown of its mission.
A recent WCET report estimates 14,000+ student enrollments.
The UT Telecampus web site is at http://www.telecampus.utsystem.edu/
More details
The University of Texas System comprises 15 educational institutions in Texas, US, of which nine are for academy universities and six are health institutions. The system has a total enrollment of over 190,000 students.