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Online Learning Innovation Fund

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The Online Learning Innovation Fund is a national initiative launched in June 2009 in England (a home nation of the UK) funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)

The details are in a Press release of 23 June 2009 from the UK government.

Planning phase

A new task force to ensure that UK "universities become the first choice across the world for on-line distance learning" was announced today by the Higher Education Minister within DBIS.

The task force will advise on a wider strategy to build on past and present UK track record in this area and ensure that the UK does not lose pace on increased demand in expanding and new markets.

The task force will be chaired by the Chief Executive of the British Library. Also on it will be a senior manager from Microsoft and also the new Vice-Chancellor of the UKOU (who formerly was at Microsoft). The team will be rounded out by delegates from the British Council, HEFCE, JISC and Universities UK. The BBC has agreed to advise the task force as and when appropriate.

The task force will be backed by a new Open Learning Innovation Fund aimed at helping universities build on their existing reputations to access and engage future markets. The markets are expected to have a value of around £15 bn in the future.

Delivery phase

After the strategy is clarfied, there will be a delivery phase with a competitive match funding initiative, with up to £10m from HEFCE. Under rules common in the UK this implies there there are funds to deploy on projects worth up to £20m in total.

Universities will be encouraged to work collaboratively with each other, the private sector and the third sector (voluntary agencies), to bid for money to develop projects to help transform the way people can get a degree.

The Minister envisages that some of the iniatives will utilise 3G, webcasts and web 2.0 on a global basis, and noted the usual advantages of mobile technologies.

Dame Lynne Brindley, CEO British Library said:

“I am delighted to have been asked to chair the Task Force, and to consider the many opportunities for UK higher education to excel in online learning and meet the changing demands of students.  The British Library is itself committed to innovative, high quality digital services, including public and commercial partnerships, and I look forward to making recommendations for action to stimulate growth in this important area.”

The Taskforce will include senior representatives from Microsoft [and Apple], who will join Martin Bean, the next Vice Chancellor of the Open University,

The Online Learning Innovation Fund, established by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), could help groups of institutions to pursue new business opportunities and promote online learning including using open resources funded as part of the e-learning programme. Universities will also be able to develop greater expertise in on-line teaching and create centres of excellence for the delivery of online learning.

The wider strategy will broadly;

· Develop new plans for international marketing of on-line distance UK HE;

· Continue to promote the development of e-learning across the breadth of HE;

· Work to increase the quantity of learning resources freely available for all institutions to use; and

· Continue to develop the role of the Open University (OU) as a national resource, so that all universities can benefit from the OU’s specialist expertise, developed through public funding.

HEFCE will develop the Open Learning Innovation Fund in the light of the task force’s advice and then consult the sector on the practical details.

Notes to editors

1. Britain is a world leader in distance learning currently attracting more than 100,000 students from around the globe and earning the sector some £200m in fees.

2. In his Wellcome Collection speech <http://www.dius.gov.uk/news_and_speeches/speeches/john_denham/higher_education.aspx> at the end of February 2008, John Denham announced his intention to develop a framework for higher education over the next ten to fifteen years. As part of this work DIUS invited views from a range of stakeholders. Sir Ron Cooke was asked by John Denham to produce a report looking at how we become a world leader in e-learning. A copy of the report can be found at: http://www.dius.gov.uk/higher_education/shape_and_structure/he_debate/~/media/publications/S/Summary-eLearning-CookeSir Ron Cooke

3. For further information, please contact the BIS press office on 020 7215 5982 Contacts NDS Enquiries ndsenquiries@coi.gsi.gov.uk

It is likely to involve JISC in the delivery phase though no details are yet available.

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