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Campus Numérique

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The Campus Numérique (CampusNumérique.be) is a consortia of HEI in Wallonia and Brussels in Belgium that links all the members’ web sites, which are called ecampuses.

The higher education institutions that are a member of the group CampusNumerique.be and their respective web sites (ecampuses) and LMS links:

  1. The Université du Travail de Charleroi (UT), (Charleroi): http://campusnumerique.ut.be
  2. The Haute Ecole Provinciale Charleroi - Université du Travail (HEPCUT)
  3. The Haute Ecole de la Communauté française en Hainaut (HECFH), (Mons): http://www.campusnumerique.be/ecampus-de-la-haute-ecole-de-la-communaute-francaise-en-hainaut.html
  4. The Haute Ecole Francisco Ferrer (HEFF), (Bruxelles): icampus using Moodle
  5. The Haute Ecole Provinciale Hainaut Occidental (HEPHO), (Tournai):
  6. The Haute Ecole Provinciale Mons-Borinage-Centre (HEPMBC), (Mons) using Moodle and Acolad (created by Université de Strasbourg)

The institution’s main office is at the Université du Travail in Charleroi, Belgium. The other member institutions are located elsewhere in Belgium.

Together, these institutions have about The Campus Numérique web site is at http://www.campusnumerique.be/ and is based on the LMS Joomla.

> Belgium