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Partners situated in Bulgaria


Bulgaria in a nutshell

Bulgaria education policy

Bulgaria education system

Material contributed by Boryana Miloshevska, a Microsoft Student Partner who attended LATWF. Her permission will be sought.

The Bulgatian education system is divided into 4 stages:

  1. primary
  2. secondary
  3. high school
  4. university

Primary education

Schools are mandatory as an age of 6 or 7. Students learn some of the basic subjects like for example witting, reading maths, history etc.

Secondary School

The next step is secondary education where each student can choose some of the subjects.

In this stage of the educational process a student is prepared enough to decide what he or she is interested in. There are mathematical, social, economic schools. This stage is mandatory.

After graduating from secondary school most of the students take a special exam in order to study in special High School.

High School

This is the most important stage from the whole education system but it is not mandatory. Students cannot go to a university if they do not have the High School Certificate.

Students can choose in what kind of high school they want to study and they are obliged to take the corresponding exam. There are Maths High School(they are the most popular), Language High school and so on.


This is the biggest step for the whole education is the University.

In order to have the ability to study in university students must have the High School Certificate with good to excellent result and also they must take one or more exams. There are almost all kinds of universities - some of them are national and other are international-class. All the universities are require fees to be paid.

Private schools

In Bulgaia there are also some private schools but only a small pcrcentage of the students can afford to study there because they are very expensive.

Higher education in Bulgaria

Universities in Bulgaria

(sourced from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_universities_in_Bulgaria)

  1. American University in Bulgaria
  2. National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts
  3. Medical University of Pleven
  4. Medical University of Plovdiv
  5. Medical University of Sofia
  6. Medical University of Varna
  7. National Sports Academy
  8. National Military University
  9. Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy
  10. New Bulgarian University
  11. Plovdiv University
  12. Rakovski Defence and Staff College
  13. Rousse University
  14. Sofia University
  15. South-West University "Neofit Rilski"
  16. Technical University of Sofia
  17. Technical University of Sofia - Branch Plovdiv
  18. Technical University of Varna
  19. Technical University of Gabrovo
  20. Trakia University - Stara Zagora
  21. Veliko Tarnovo University
  22. Civil engineering university "Lyuben Karavelov"
  23. University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy
  24. University of Forestry
  25. University of National and World Economy
  26. University of Economics Varna
  27. University of Shumen Episkop Konstantin Preslavski
  28. University of Mining and Geology

Polytechnics in Bulgaria

Higher education reform in Bulgaria

The Bologna Process

Administration and finance

Quality assurance in Bulgaria

Bulgaria's HEIs in the information society

Towards the information society

Information society strategy

Virtual initiatives in HE in Bulgaria


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