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Florida Community College

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Revision as of 19:17, 30 August 2008 by SaraFrankBristow (talk | contribs)
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The Florida Community College at Jacksonville (FCCJ) supports a variety of distance learning modes and courses, e.g. Online, CD-based, and Video/Telecourses. Courses are primarily diplomas, associate’s degrees and certificates (with only a handful of bachelor’s degrees available). Some of FCCJ’s courses are extremely skills-oriented and basic, e.g. high school completions and remedial reading for adults. Six full associate’s degrees are available online.

Florida Community College is based in Jacksonville, Florida, US, with four campuses and seven 'education centres' in the Jacksonville region. Student enrolments total 73,000, of whom more than 25% are distance learners. In 2005-2006 the median student age was 27 years old in most courses and 39 in continuing (adult) education courses. Many faculty members do not possess master’s degrees.

At Florida Community College, distance learning makes use of the Internet, software, TV, CDs, DVDs, PDAs and other mobile devices. 'World Wide Ready' courses at Florida Community College are 100% online (via Blackboard) and may use asynchronous bulletin boards, chat, assignment drop boxes, and online quizzes and exams. However, many exams take place in scheduled locations and are proctored. Those living more than 75 miles away must apply to take exams at an alternate remote location (e.g. local college or university). Nearly all online courses require a textbook purchas.

Telecourses are available via videostreaming directly to a computer, or via CD, video or cable TV.

The Florida Community College’s distance learning Web site is at http://www.distancelearning.org/

More details

FCCJ is the largest provider of undergraduate education to the US Navy.

Florida Community College offers a designated blog server, wiki support for instructors, and use of iTunesU for storing podcasts. Informant about campus events, politics, etc. can all be downloaded from iTunesU.


A brief 2008 Computerworld Honors Program case study is available at http://www.cwhonors.org/viewCaseStudy2008.asp?NominationID=769

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