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Partners situated in Country

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Country in a nutshell

The Republic of Ghana is a country in West Africa. It borders Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) to the west, Burkina Faso to the north, Togo to the east, and the Gulf of Guinea to the south. The word "Ghana" means "Warrior King", and was the source of the name "Guinea" (via French Guinoye) that is used to refer to the West African coast (as in Gulf of Guinea).

Ghana was inhabited in pre-colonial times by a number of ancient kingdoms, including the Ga Adangbes on the eastern coast, inland Empire of Ashanti and various Fante states along the coast and inland. Trade with European states flourished after contact with the Portuguese in the 15th century, and the British established a crown colony, Gold Coast, in 1874.

Upon being the first African nation to achieve independence from the United Kingdom in 1957, the name Ghana was chosen for the new nation to reflect the ancient Empire of Ghana that once extended throughout much of western Africa. In the Ashanti language it is spelled Gaana.

Source: Wikipedia's page on Ghana

Country education policy

Country education system


Higher education

Ghana Higher Education Profile, by the Boston College Center for International Higher Education (CIHE)

Universities in Ghana

  1. University of Ghana, Legon - Accra
  2. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Kumasi
  3. University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast
  4. University of Development Studies, Tamale
  5. Methodist University College of Ghana, Dansoman - Accra
  6. Islamic University College of Ghana, East Legon - Accra
  7. Catholic University, Fiapre - Sunyani
  8. University College of Winneba, Winneba
  9. Central University, Mataheko - Accra
  10. Ashesi University College, Labone - Accra
  11. Valley View University, Dodowa - Gt. Accra
  12. Pentecost University College

Polytechnics in Ghana

  1. Accra Polytechnic
  2. Bolgatanga Polytechnic
  3. Cape Coast Polytechnic
  4. Ho Polytechnic
  5. Koforidua Polytechnic
  6. Kumasi Polytechnic
  7. Sunyani Polytechnic
  8. Takoradi Polytechnic
  9. Tamale Polytechnic
  10. Wa Polytechnic

Source: Schools and Universities

Higher education reform

Source: Ghana Education Reform 2007 (not specifically on Higher Education)

Administration and finance

Quality assurance

Country's HEIs in the information society

"Ghana, the former Gold Coast, was involved in the early European coastal trade with West Africa in the 15th century – first in gold and later in slaves. After more than 50 years of colonisation by Britain, Ghana achieved independence on 6 March 1957, becoming the first African country to free itself from a colonial power. Ghana is on the Guinea coast, and shares borders with Côte d’Ivoire to the west, Togo to the east, and Burkina Faso to the north. Its major cities are Accra (the administrative capital) Kumasi, Tema Secondi-Takoradi and Tamale. The climate is tropical, with an annual mean temperature of between 26ºC and 29ºC.

Ghana covers an area of 239 460 km2 and has an estimated population of 22 931 299, concentrated primarily along the coast and in the southern cities of Accra and Kumasi. Most Ghanaians are descended from people who probably migrated down the Volta River Valley at the beginning of the 13th century. Ethnically, Ghana is divided into small groups who speak approximately 50 different languages and dialects. Among the more important linguistic groups are: the Akans, which include the Fantis along the coast and the Ashantis in the forest region north of the coast; the Guans, on the plains of the Volta River; the Ga- and Ewe-speaking people of the south and south-east; and the Moshi-Dagomba-speaking people of the northern and upper regions. English is the official and commercial language, and is taught in all schools. The constitution grants every person religious freedom. The main religions are Christianity (practised by 63 per cent of the population), Islam (21 per cent), and indigenous beliefs (16 per cent). Life expectancy is estimated at 59 years.

The domestic economy is centred on subsistence agriculture, which accounts for 37 per cent of the country’s GDP. Gold, cocoa and timber are important sources of foreign exchange. GDP per capita is placed at US$2 700 and the GDP growth rate at 6 per cent (CIA, n.d.)."

Source: Partnership for Higher Education in Africa (PHEA) - Educational Technology Initiative: report on Ghana (PDF - 16 pages)

Towards the information society

Information society strategy

Distance Learning

Government's policy statement places emphasis on the creation of an enabling environment for all Ghanaians, irrespective of their socio-economic status, or geographical location, to have access to basic social services such as health-care, quality education, potable water, among others. Ghana's Constitution also places an obligation on the state (in Article 25 of the 1992 Constitution) to meet the educational needs of its youth. It is in the light of these, coupled with the falling standards in education, and the nation's inability to produce skilled work-force that can compete effectively in a globalized knowledge-based economy, that government thought of developing an alternative education for children and the youth out of school and those in hard-to-reach areas. By developing an alternative education, government aims at addressing problems associated with school enrolment, quality and relevance of studies - all of which combine to produce skill and entrepreneurial gaps in the labour market affecting various youth groups. On April 30, 2002, a national planning committee was inaugurated by the Honourable Minister for Information and Presidential Affairs, Mr. Jake O. Obetsebi-Lamptey. The Committee was tasked to plant the establishment of a distance education and open learning system to enhance in a significant and cost effective manner the provision of education in the country. The project, which is under the President's Special Initiative, is a collaboration between the Ministry of Information and Presidential Affairs and the Ministry of Education. The eleven-member planning committee has as its chairman, Mr. Alex T. Quarmyne, a communication specialist and Managing Director of African Communication TRUST limited. Members include, Ms Abena Agyakom Kwarteng, Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, Mr. H.K. Ofori-Awuah, Deputy Director-General, Ghana Education Service, and Prof. J. Ananmuah-Mensah, Principal, University College of Education, Winnneba. Others are Ms. Eva Lokko, Director-General, Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, Mr. Roger Oppong-Koranteng, IT Consultant/Lecturer, GIMPA - Distance Learning Centre, and Prof. J.S. Djangmah, Education Policy and Planning Expert. The rest are Mr. Jacob Anderson, Ghana National Association of Teachers (gnat), Prof. Samuel N. Woode, Director, Institute of Local Government Studies and Mrs. Agartha Gaisie-Nketia, PUFMARP Secretariat, Ministry of Finance. The Scope of the committee's work includes the following;

  • The Planning of a JSS/SSS programme in Mathematics and English to be aligned with the JSS and SSS curricula. This will be broadcast on TV during School term and School hours, but to stand-alone from classroom schedules.
  • Teacher Education Programme, targeted at teachers in Mathematics and English to be broadcast on TV.
  • And an open college programme targeted at students in entrepreneurship, Information Technology training and also JSS and SSS students who would be following the Mathematics and English lessons of the JSS/SSS programme in preparation to sit or resist relevant examinations.

The Committee has its secretariat located in the Ministry of Information and Presidential affairs and has in place an Administration Officer and a Secretary. Best Teachers in the various disciplines have been recruited to write and review scripts. Some completed scripts have been sent to selected Media Production Houses for filming. Some schools have been identified nation-wide as pilot schools where programme impact would be assessed. TV has been proposed as the main delivery medium for cost effectiveness due to the current low level of computer literacy, limited access to Internet and computers. CD Rom production of the television lesions has been recommended for the JSS/SSS series. Radio programmes will be introduced later on, for only English. Come January 2003 the pilot project would be launched for the programme to start rolling on the national television network.

Source: The President's Special Initiative On Distance Learning At A Glance

Virtual initiatives in HE


  1. Wikipedia's page on Ghana
  2. Government of Ghana - official web site
  3. Government of Ghana - sub section about education
  4. Wikipedia's sub section about Ghanaian education
  5. Partnership for Higher Education in Africa (PHEA) - Educational Technology Initiative: report on Ghana (PDF - 16 pages)

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