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D6.2 Exploitation Report
Type of outcome/product/results: Dissemination Strategy (confidential)
Delivery date: April 2014 ((changed to June 2014 by the Amendment))
Nature: Report
Language versions: English
Target languages:
The Exploitation Report will describe the post-project exploitation strategy. It will distil the outcomes of the Exploitation Working Group into a Partner Agreement – an Appendix to this Deliverable. This should cover at least:
- Duration – minimum two years post-project
- Central and distributed functions – e.g. secretariat, admin, wiki support
- IPR issues – how to handle them
- Approach to handling exploitation territories: essentially each partner looks after its home territory (ULE and Sero agree how to handle UK – and EDEN’s host is regarded as Hungary) and also EU countries not home territories, and finally countries beyond the EU.
- Exploitation team and tasks
- Resource aspects
- Membership of the exploitation consortium and how it may be extended.
An Annex will report on how the wiki should be taken forward, in the light of other projects and developments relevant at the time the project finishes.
The Exploitation Report (including the Appendix on the future of the wik) can be found at File:POERUP D6.2 Exploitation Report v1.0.pdf - which also contains an Executive Summary.
The Appendix is also described at D6.2 Appendix Taking the wiki forward.