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Universitat de les Illes Balears, the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), founded in 1978, is a public institution which is committed to excellence in teaching, research and cultural action. Rooted in the culture, language and identity of the Balearics, it has a strong commitment to serving society. It is a participative university, both responsible with and transparent in how it manages the resources it has available. It is also a sustainable institution which is respectful towards the environment. Over the years it has become a cultural and scientific reference in our society. Between the main campus in Palma, the university centres situated in Minorca, and the one for Eivissa - Formentera, there are approximately 15,000 students registered in the different undergraduate and doctoral degrees, and over 1,200 in postgraduate courses. The UIB is a modern university which is open to the world.

For details see http://ocw.uib.es

The initiative is headquartered in Palma, which is in Spain, in the region of Balearic Islands.
The initiative is led by University of the Balearic Islands.
Latitude and longitude = 39° 38' 11.98" N, 2° 38' 39.53" E

ISCED levels = 5; 6
The initiative is of type OER
The hashtag is uibesoec

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