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Escuela 20 Uruguay

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Escuela 20 Uruguay offers a range of fully online courses across the secondary curriculum through its VLE. Courses start in February and August each year.

It is aimed primarily at expatriate families and its website states:

"Escuela 20" is a private venture formed with Uruguayan teachers. Uruguayan children living abroad should enroll in school by the educational system of the school of their country of residence. Before an eventual return to Uruguay, the years of study in foreign schools generally must be revalidated through appropriate documentation of courses studied. This usually means that a child in a grade in any country is usually incorporated into same grade level in Uruguay. The Uruguayan government has granted official recognition to interact with the formal educational systems anywhere in the world and details can be found on the websites of the Uruguayan government.

"Escuela 20", on the other hand, being a private, unofficial organisation and not binding on the government or the Uruguayan government in any way is in no way dependent on the Foreign Ministry or Department 20 - which gives those students returning to their homeland in Uruguay specific knowledge on the Uruguayan state itself.

"Escuela 20" provides distance learning in Uruguay History, Geography, Literature, Uruguayan Music, Uruguayan customs and language, etc. so as to give the basic tools to be an equal on return, with peers and teachers and not to be strangers in their own country. Usually migrant parents can not attend fully owing to lack of time, or knowledge of what is available. It is known that as time goes on, children are uprooted, losing their interest in the country of origin and leaning more to the history and customs of their country of residence.

Knowing the country, its history, its geography, its customs, its sayings, its cuisine, etc, are basic to being Uruguayan. Mathematics, social science, geometry, etc. may be (with some variation in how teaching is conducted) the same in all countries and are esential for entry to higher education in Uruguay.

Its web site is http://www.escuela20.com.uy

> Uruguay
> Virtual schools