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VUC Flex

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Revision as of 13:23, 21 June 2011 by Asger Harlung (talk | contribs)
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Adult Education Centers (Danish: Voksenundervisningscentre, abbreviated VUCs) offer school and hich school level courses to adults age 18 and up (with no upper age limit) who wish to upgrade their qualifications, e.g. for jobs or for vocational or higher educations.

There are 30 VUCs in Denmark with smaller sections spread out locally. The VUCs are traditionally physical schools, but seven VUCs also offer all schooll and high school disciplines as online courses in the VUC Flex concept.

The online offers are delivered by VUC Copenhagen (Danish: VUC København, abbreviated KVUC), VUC Hvidovre-Amager, VUC Aarhus, VUC Vestegnen, VUC Nordjylland, VUC Thy-Mors, and VUC Storstrøm).

VUC Flex was started by VUC Copenhagen, which won an internal prize among the Danish VUCs in 2011 for the innovation and scope of the VUC Flex concept. Reasons for the prize included that VUC Flex at KVUC was, "attracting students who would otherwise be unable to attend qualifying courses", "progressive in use of ICT pedagogy and learning", "has developed to a scale of a serious and successful concept now shares with five other VUCs", and "is generating further e-Learning pedagogy development in the project starting in 2011".

The referred development project is a collaboration between two VUCs offering the VUC Flex concept; VUC Nordjylland, VUC Thy-Mors, and Aalborg University, Denmark.

VUC Flex and the seven VUCs offering the concept can be accessed from: http://vucflex.dk/