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New Zealand
New Zealand is a Commonwealth country with strong historic links with the UK in general and Scotland in particular.
New Zealand - general
The population of New Zealand is around 4.1 million according to the CIA Factbook - and a little more on other estimates. This makes it slightly smaller than Scotland (5.0 million) and slightly larger than Wales (3.0 million). Thus population-wise as well as politically, economically and culturally it is a good match to these countries.
Higher Education
New Zealand has eight universities. Most used to be constituent colleges of the federal University of New Zealand but this was dissolved in 1961.
There are also 23 polytechnics or institutes of technology in New Zealand. A useful NZQA page observes:
- Polytechnics have traditionally specialised in vocational training, but that role has expanded over the last decade to meet the needs of learners and the economy. Many are involved in research activities, particularly in applied and technological areas and other degrees.
New Zealand is the home of the eMM methodology, developed by Dr Stephen Marshall at the University of Wellington. He is a consultant for Phase 2 of the Higher Education Academy Benchmarking Exercise. After a large amount of government-funded activity (see the 9 MB report) in 2004-2005, where nine institutions were benchmarked (six universities and three polytechnics), recently (up to summer 2007) there does not seem to be an externally funded benchmarking programme oriented to New Zealand tertiary institutions - but this situation may soon change.