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Talk:Paper 1

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Revision as of 10:45, 11 March 2008 by Grego lucas (talk | contribs)
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For the record: we have now about 3000 to 3500 words. For the book chapter we need 7000 to 9000 words. On top of the WIKI page were the book chapter is put, I have made a link to the Chapter guidelines were an overview is given of the different subheadings that should be included in the book chapter.(Ilse)

I am online, I'm here to do small edits on the wiki formatting. --NikkiCortoos 11:11, 11 March 2008 (CET)

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Hi everbody. I am online. Is there anybody else now? Ilse

Hello Ilse, I am here too. greg

Hi! This is my welcome message, i am on line. Cristina

Did you go through the text of the paper? Or do you already have suggestions of where and how you want to contribute? (Ilse)

Ilse, i got a little bit lost. I went through the text, i would suggest to add a paragraph about Virtual Campus as an opportunity for the internationalization of the Universities and intercultural dialogue (a concrete experience: the Inetrnational Telematic University UNINETTUNO). ;) What should i do? Just add it? And what about the suggestion itselfe? (Cristina)

Cristina you can add it to the text yes. With regard to the suggestion itself: it would be also one of my suggestions to add some concrete case examples of different types of Virtual Campuses, like the one of KULeuven that is already included. And UNINETTUNO would of course be a good one to add. (Ilse)

I have a suggestion: We could write about virtual campus as a tool for lifelong learning. A chapter after KU.Leuven case study. A question: what is the deadline? (Anna-Kaarina)

VC & lifelong learning: ok for me. What about a case description of Finnish Virtual University? Deadline for submitting the chapter is 31 March. (Ilse)

Lenght? (Cristina)

Ilse, I talked with Markus Bela and we propose to write a chapter about VC & GIS. Is it ok ? (greg)