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METID-Politecnico di Milano

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Revision as of 05:36, 12 August 2009 by SaraFrankBristow (talk | contribs) (add membership info)
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The METID Centre (Centro METID) at the Milan Polytechnic (Politecnico di Milano) provides online courses and course support for teachers and students.

METID supports faculty technological teaching innovation across the institution. Since 1998, it has offered COL (Courses On Line) as a free portal which integrates traditional content and media services for student interaction with professors, tutors and fellow students.

The centre's full name is the Metodi E Tecnologie Innovative per la Didattica, or Methods and Technologies for Innovative Teaching. A recent count noted 40 METID employees.

METID's main office is in Milan, Italy.

The METID web site is at http://www.metid.polimi.it/

The Politecnico de Milano web site is at http://www.polimi.it/

METID - Politecnico de Milano is a member of EFQUEL.

More details

METID is/was a key player in eLene and its outputs, e.g. the TLCentre.

> Italy
> Programmes