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Gwella is a national initiative in Wales (a home nation of the UK) funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and project managed by the Higher Education Academy (UK) to enhance the e-learning capability of the eleven universities in Wales.

The initiative started in March 2008 and runs for just over three years.

There is no web site for Gwella but the key information resource for Gwella is the blog at http://elearning.heacademy.ac.uk/weblogs/gwella/?p=3#more-3

See also the entry on the Higher Education Academy wiki for Gwella.

What does "Gwella" mean?

Derek Morrison wrote in his blog posting of 12 March 2008

We chose the Welsh term Gwella for this blog because, according to the definitions offered by the Department of Welsh at the University of Wales, Lampeter, it conveys many positive connotations that we would wish to be associated with the initiative including: “to improve, to get better, to heal, and to enhance”. It is those actions, rather than a focus on technology per se, which most accurately reflect the intended ethos of the programme. Also, and just as important for non-Welsh speakers, Gwella is both short and memorable and will, hopefully, stimulate an interest in what this site will contain as the institutional projects evolve. Later postings will describe the enhancement of learning and teaching programme in Wales in more detail.

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