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Critical Success Factors draft final version

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The following is the list of 17 Critical Success Factors in the draft final version presented to IAC at the ICDE conference in June 2009.

table of Critical Success Factors
Code Factor name Critical Success Factor (level 5 statement)
R4 Usability All systems usable, with internal evidence to back this up.
R6 e-Learning Strategy Regularly updated e-Learning Strategy, integrated with Learning and Teaching Strategy and all related strategies (e.g. Distance Learning, if relevant).
R7 Decisions on Projects Effective decision-making for e-learning projects across the whole institution, including variations when justified.
R10 Training All staff trained in VLE use, appropriate to job type - and retrained when needed.
R12 Costs A fit for purpose costing system is used in all departments for costs of e-learning.
R13 Planning Annually Integrated annual planning process for e-learning integrated with overall course planning.
R16 Technical Support to Staff All staff engaged in the e-learning process have "nearby" fast-response technical support.
R19 Decisions on Programmes There is effective decision-making for e-learning programmes across the whole institution, including variations when justified.
R22 Leadership in e-Learning The capability of leaders to make decisions regarding e-learning is fully developed at departmental and institutional level.
R29 Management Style The overall institutional management style is appropriate to manage its mix of educational and business activities
R35 Relationship Management Upwards The institution has effective processes designed to achieve high formal and informal credibility with relevant government and public agencies overseeing it.
R53 Reliability The e-learning system is as reliable as the main systems students and staff are used to from their wider experience as students and citizens,
R58 Market Research Market research done centrally and in or on behalf of all departments, and aware of e-learning aspects; updated annually or prior to major programme planning.
R60 Security A system where security breaches are known not to occur yet which allows staff and students to carry out their authorised duties easily and efficiently.
R91 Student Understanding of System Students have good understanding of the rules governing assignment submission, feedback, plagiarism, costs, attendance, etc and always act on them.
R92 Student Help Desk Help Desk is deemed as best practice.
R94 Student Satisfaction Frequent (ideally annual) Student Satisfaction survey which explicitly addresses the main e-learning issues of relevance to students.

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