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REal Virtual Erasmus

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The REal Virtual Erasmus (REVE) project was selected in 2004, and funded from 1 January 2005 until 31 December 2006 by the European Commission - DG Education & Culture under the eLearning programme.

The REVE web site is at http://reve.europace.org/


The REVE project was aimed at enhancing the impact and efficiency of traditional Erasmus programmes through the set-up and support of mainstream Virtual Erasmus actions in the European Higher Education Area. Virtual Erasmus can both include taking courses abroad while staying at the home university and vice-versa and/or complementing the existing physical Erasmus exchange programmes with virtual preparatory and follow-up activities. However, teachers and educational support staff experience that the necessary technical, pedagogical and organizational support services to ensure that these activities can be easily embedded as an integrated part in the mainstream educational offer, are missing. At the same time there is a lack of concrete scenarios, models and implementation procedures, best practice examples for implementing virtual mobility. Therefore, Virtual Mobility programmes remain a challenge for both students and teachers.

In the REVE project a typology of Virtual Erasmus courses was developed, based on the analysis of the different Virtual Erasmus courses offered within the REVE consortium. Furthermore, separate working groups gave special focus on three key issues: agreements, accreditation and localisation.


The major output of the REVE project is the Virtual Mobility Manual. How to teach internationally from your own desk. This online publication has the aim to introduce Virtual Moblity with all its aspects to teachers of higher education, to support them while implementing this mobility in their course and thus giving students the opportunity to broaden their study experience. Therefore the manual includes practical examples of Virtual Erasmus courses and information on collaboration models, conditions and agreements, accreditation and localisation. It also provides training materials for the teachers.


Core partners

Active partners

> Programmes