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The CEVU web site is at http://www.europace.org/rdcevu.php
The CEVU web site is at http://www.europace.org/rdcevu.php

== Reports ==
== Summary ==
== Outcomes ==
See http://www.europace.org/reports3.php for the CEVU output report.
See http://www.europace.org/reports3.php for the CEVU output report.

== Partners ==
== Partners ==
* EUropean Network on Intelligent TEchnologies for Smart Adaptive Systems (EUNITE)
* [[EuroPACE ivzw]] - [[Belgium]] - '''co-ordinator'''
* European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU)
* [[EUNITE]] - European Universities Network for IT in Education - [[Belgium]]
* [[Coimbra Group]]
* [http://eciu.web.ua.pt/ ECIU] -  European Consortium of Innovative Universities - [[The Netherlands]]
* [[European Universities Association]] ([[EUA]])
* [[Coimbra Group]] - [[Belgium]]
* [[EUA]] - European Universities Association - [[Belgium]]
* [http://www.utwente.nl/ Universiteit Twente] - [[The Netherlands]]
* [http://www.strath.ac.uk/ University of Strathclyde] - [[United Kingdom]]
* [[Katholieke Universiteit Leuven]] - [[Belgium]]
* [http://www.tu-dortmund.de/uni/Uni/index.html Technische Universität Dortmund] - [[Germany]]
* [http://www.utc.fr/ Université de Technologie de Compiègne] - [[France]]
* [http://www.tu-harburg.de/ Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg] - [[Germany]]
* [http://en.aau.dk/ Aalborg Universitet] - [[Denmark]]
* [[Teknillinen Korkeakoulu]] - [[Finland]]
* [[FernUniversität in Hagen]] - [[Germany]]
* [http://w3i.teipir.gr/sl/TEI-EE/ Technological Education Institute of Piraeus] - [[Greece]]
* [http://www.uniroma1.it/ Università Degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”] - [[Italy]]
* [http://www.auth.gr/home/ Aristotle University of Thessaloniki] - [[Greece]]
* [http://www2.upm.es/institucional Universidad Politecnica de Madrid] - [[Spain]]
* [http://www.uab.es/ Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona] - [[Spain]]
* [http://www.chalmers.se/ Chalmers Tekniska Högskola] - [[Sweden]]
* [http://www.joensuu.fi/joyindex.html Joensuu Yliopisto] - [[Finland]]
* [http://www.uclm.es/ Universidad De Castilla–La Mancha] - [[Spain]]
* [http://www.epyc.be/ EPYC] - [[Belgium]]


Revision as of 21:18, 27 April 2009

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The Collaborative European Virtual University (CEVU, cEVU) was selected in 2001 under Erasmus Transversal Actions. It was funded through 2003. As noted in the project description:

This project is aimed at the development of validated e-learning models and ideas for a European virtual university, based on regional and transnational collaboration between existing European universities.

Project results have been published in a 'Manual for a collaborative European Virtual University', which includes guidelines for decision makers, managers, teachers, trainers, and technicians.

The CEVU web site is at http://www.europace.org/rdcevu.php



See http://www.europace.org/reports3.php for the CEVU output report.


> Programmes