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== Overview ==
[[EADTU]] (the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities) is and has been leading a process of Quality Assurance in e-learning under the series of E-xcellence (pronounced “E-excellence”) projects executed from 2005 – 2012 within EU programmes (see [[E-xcellence - creating a standard of excellence for e-learning]], [[E-xcellence+]], [www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellencelabel/ E-xcellence Associates in Quality], and [http://www.eadtu.eu/e-xcellencenext E-xcellence Next]).

E-xcellence (pronounced “E-excellence”) is an EU-funded project run by [http://www.eadtu.nl/ EADTU] (the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities) with the assistance of 12 other partners. It has a project  web site at http://www.eadtu.nl/E-xcellence/.
Within a consortium of experts in the field, EADTU has established a full procedural approach for universities to assess and improve their e-learning performance. This is supported by a dedicated [http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellencelabel/ website on QA in e-learning], where the [http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellencelabel/default.asp?mMid=3&sMid=12 manual] can be found and more information on the [http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellencelabel/default.asp?mMid=3 tools], the [http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellencelabel/default.asp?mMid=2&sMid=5 review process] and the [http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellencelabel/default.asp?mMid=2&sMid=1 E-xcellence Associates Label].  

E-xcellence started in January 2005 and concluded in November 2006, with a major launch at the [http://www.eadtu.nl/conference-2006/ EADTU conference] in Tallinn, Estonia, 23-24 November 2006.  
With E-xcellence, universities are stimulated to improve their e-learning performance by a guided self-assessment. This assessment can be a stand-alone exercise for the higher education institution, leading to a first insight in fields of improvement. The approach can be extended with a review at a distance or on-site from e-learning experts. This extension is formalised in an E-xcellence Associates label.  

Originally E-xcellence was not envisaged as a benchmarking methodology but as a quality monitoring tool, but at about a year into the project there was a shift in emphasis and benchmarking is now one of the uses envisaged for E-xcellence. In fact there are three orientations of the methodology:
The E-xcellence Associates label is not a label for proven excellence but rather a label for institutions/faculties using the E-xcellence instrument for self-assessment and take measures of improvement accordingly. This label was established to reward the efforts of universities in a continuous process of improving their e-learning performance and offer them the platform and networking opportunities to meet virtually with peers and experts in the field. On their part universities can present their fields of expertise as well to this community.
<li>Assessment tool (at both institutional and programme level) (i.e. benchmarking)
<li>Quality improvement tool (internal quality care system)
<li>Accreditation tool for accreditation

Expected outcomes have been:
<li>Inventory of benchmarks for "good" e-learning (i.e. these include related criteria and indicators setting standards of excellence and indicators for validation)(a web-based guide)
<li>On-line self-assessment tool "[http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellenceQS/ QuickScan]" based on the identified benchmarks
<li>Manual on good practices directly related to the benchmarks
<li>Quality assurance system (internal validation based on the standard of excellence)
<li>Reports on pilots which will test the validation approach
<li>Establishment and training of a visitation team both for quality assurance and for accreditation (to be seen as distinct procedures)

The basis of the E-xcellence benchmarking methodology is as follows:
The E-xcellence instrument consists of  3 main elements:
# [http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellencelabel/default.asp?mMid=3&sMid=12 Manual on QA in e-learning], covering the 33 benchmarks on e-learning, the indicators related to these benchmarks, guidance for improvement and references to excellence level performance. The manual is organised into six sections covering (1) Strategic management, (2) Curriculum design, (3) Course design, (4) Course delivery, (5) Staff support and (6) Student support. Each section follows a similar format setting out benchmarks, critical factors, performance indicators, and assessor’s notes. The benchmarks provide a set of general quality statements covering a wide range of contexts in which programme designers and others work. It is intended that the benchmarks will be relevant to virtually all e-learning situations. These benchmarks might usefully form the basis for institutions' quality self assessment where the full range of criteria and performance indicators are not judged relevant to the institutional context (e.g. in situations where e-learning developments are confined to a minority of courses or to specialist areas of the institution's work). The critical factors and performance indicators which follow then focus on particular topics relevant to the benchmark statements. Not all the critical factors will be relevant in all situations and several will be seen to cut across more than one benchmark statement. Thus there is not a one-to-one relationship between the benchmarks and the critical factors since they are pitched at different levels of analysis. Performance indicators relating to the critical factors have been developed at both general and excellence levels.
<li> some 50 ''excellence'' benchmarks are formulated and devided over 6 categories of stategic management, curriculum design, course design, course delivery, staff support and student support.  
# The [http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellencelabel/files/all%20Assessors%20Notes.pdf Assessors notes] provide a more detailed account of the issues and the approaches which might be taken to meet requirements in each situation.
<li>Exactly 33 of the 50 benchmarks are categorised as ''threshold''. Threshold for e-learning is defined by the the E-xcellence team as crucial for interactiveness, accessibility and flexibility of the e-learning programme. These are found in the [http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellenceQS/ QuickScan].
# [http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellencelabel/default.asp?mMid=3 Tools]: [http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellencelabel/default.asp?mMid=3&sMid=9 Quick Scan] and Full-Assessment.
<li>Each criterion is a bundle of indicators.
<li>Criteria are graded currently at four levels but numeric scores are not used and a total score is not computed.
<li>The "threshold" level can be determined by the [http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellenceQS/ QuickScan] online self-audit, but the "excellence" level requires in addition a visit from an expert team.

The basic tool is the quick scan, a web-based tool which enables easy guidance and decision making which benchmarks are of interest for an institution. The quick scan can be applied in three ways:
# The [http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellencelabel/default.asp?mMid=3&sMid=9 quick scan as a quick orientation] (basic option): An institution gets a first orientation on the strengths of eLearning performance and fields of improvement. The output can be used for example as input for internal discussions. The result of doing the Quick Scan must be an agreed overview of benchmarks that fit the institution as well as a number of benchmarks that ask for an action line in the roadmap of improvement. Each statement has to be considered and judged how this aspect of e-learning is realised in the course or programme of the particular institution or faculty. The instrument offers the opportunity to make comments on the specific issues byindicating: Not Adequate, Partially Adequate, Largely Adequate or Fully Adequate.
# The [http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellencelabel/default.asp?mMid=3&sMid=10 quick scan with a review at a distance] (extended option): The review is based on a list of required documents. Reviewers give advice and recommendations in writing (at a distance). If the institution fulfills the conditions of integrating the benchmarks in the internal QA-system, it is allowed to use the E-xcellence label.
# The [http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellencelabel/default.asp?mMid=3&sMid=11 quick scan with an on-site assessment] (most comprehensive option): After the quick scan, e-learn experts (reviewers) will do an on-site assessment. The institution meets up with the reviewers and receives recommendations and advice for improvement. If conditions are fulfilled, the institution is allowed to use the E-xcellence label.

== Relevance to UK HE ==

* Due to information not being available by the deadline of late August 2006, there was no initially perceived relevance to Phase 1 of the Higher Education Academy Benchmarking Exercise. Despite that, two of the four MIT90s institutions in Phase 1 did make use of criteria derived from E-xcellence and at least one of the Pick&Mix institutions said that it was "interested" in the E-xcellence criteria (in the event this interest did not seem to come to much).
''Relevance to UK HE''

* However, as an emerging criterion-based methodology now mapped into MIT90s, E-xcellence might have become relevant to Phase 2. (Note that the Higher Education Academy did not make any commitment to this.)
- Due to information not being available by the deadline of late August 2006, there was no initially perceived relevance to Phase 1 of the Higher Education Academy Benchmarking Exercise. Despite that, two of the four MIT90s institutions in Phase 1 did make use of criteria derived from E-xcellence and at least one of the Pick&Mix institutions said that it was "interested" in the E-xcellence criteria (in the event this interest did not seem to come to much).

- As an emerging criterion-based methodology now mapped into MIT90s, E-xcellence might have become relevant to Phase 2. While eventually, E-xcellence was not being used by any institution in Phase 2, it is believed that one or two institutions are interested in whether some of the E-xcellence criteria may inform their analysis of their distance learning provision.

== Further information ==

* The QuickScan approach is described at http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellenceQS/
''' Status '''
* A [http://elearning.heacademy.ac.uk/weblogs/benchmarking/wp-content/uploads/2006/12/E-xcellence-analysed-rel1.doc concordance report] on E-xcellence and its relevance to the UK HE scene in general (and MIT90s and Pick&Mix in particular) is now available and linked from late December 2006 blog postings on [http://elearning.heacademy.ac.uk/weblogs/benchmarking/?p=204 MIT90s] and [http://elearning.heacademy.ac.uk/weblogs/benchmarking/?p=208#more-208 Pick&Mix].
* George Ubachs spoke on the E-xcellence project at [http://www.online-educa.com Online Educa Berlin] on [http://www.online-educa.com/programme_detail.php?id=f3&PHPSESSID=c32898557ea400f356aef6536b04aec4 1 December 2006].
* A report of a meeting in July 2006 between E-xcellence Project Manager George Ubachs and members of the Benchmarking Team at the University of Chester (plus HE Academy and advisors) is now available, rather vaguely entitled [http://www.chester.ac.uk/benchmarking/news/news_body.php?id=13785&news_source=258387 Informal meeting of Pilot Team and External Guests], which contains some useful information.

With a series of E-xcellence projects and initiatives, [[EADTU]] is and has been leading a European movement on quality assurance in e-learning:

== Phase 2 ==
- '''[[E-xcellence - creating a standard of excellence for e-learning]]''' (2005-2006), creating a quality benchmarking assessment instrument covering pedagogical, organisational and technical frameworks.

E-xcellence is not being used by any institution in Phase 2. However, it is believed that one or two institutions are interested in whether some of the E-xcellence criteria may inform their analysis of their distance learning provision,
- '''[[E-xcellence+]]''' (2007-2009), aiming to valorise the instrument (developed during E-xcellence) at the local, national and European level for the higher education and adult education sectors and to broaden the implementation and receive feedback for enhancing the instrument.

Outside the Higher Education Academy benchmarking exercise there appears to be no recent public news on E-xcellence and no indication that it is being actively used by any institution.
- '''[http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellencelabel/ E-xcellence Associates in Quality]''' (launch 2010), the building of an e-learning benchmarking community of Associates in Quality. The E-xcellence Associates are focusing on the improvement of four priority elements of progressive higher education: Accessibility, Flexibility, Interactiveness and Personalization.  

- '''[http://www.eadtu.eu/e-xcellencenext E-xcellence Next]''' (2011-2012), taking the third step in mainstreaming by integrating the instrument into the regular channels for QA (further European introduction, updating and extending the E-xcellence instrument and broadening the partnership on European and global level).
All information on the different tools and the [http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellencelabel/default.asp?mMid=2 E-xcellence Associates Label] that grew out of these projects can be found on following website: http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellencelabel
On this website, also a [http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellencelabel/?mMid=5&sMid=36 list] of the first universities (faculties, departments) that are qualified for the E-xcellence label and are now an Associate in Quality can be found.
An updated version of the E-xcellence Manual will be launched September 2012 (see http://www.eadtu.eu/e-xcellencenext.html)

== The project ==

Now read [[E-xcellence - creating a standard of excellence for e-learning]]


Revision as of 14:34, 7 August 2012

EADTU (the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities) is and has been leading a process of Quality Assurance in e-learning under the series of E-xcellence (pronounced “E-excellence”) projects executed from 2005 – 2012 within EU programmes (see E-xcellence - creating a standard of excellence for e-learning, E-xcellence+, [www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellencelabel/ E-xcellence Associates in Quality], and E-xcellence Next).

Within a consortium of experts in the field, EADTU has established a full procedural approach for universities to assess and improve their e-learning performance. This is supported by a dedicated website on QA in e-learning, where the manual can be found and more information on the tools, the review process and the E-xcellence Associates Label.

With E-xcellence, universities are stimulated to improve their e-learning performance by a guided self-assessment. This assessment can be a stand-alone exercise for the higher education institution, leading to a first insight in fields of improvement. The approach can be extended with a review at a distance or on-site from e-learning experts. This extension is formalised in an E-xcellence Associates label.

The E-xcellence Associates label is not a label for proven excellence but rather a label for institutions/faculties using the E-xcellence instrument for self-assessment and take measures of improvement accordingly. This label was established to reward the efforts of universities in a continuous process of improving their e-learning performance and offer them the platform and networking opportunities to meet virtually with peers and experts in the field. On their part universities can present their fields of expertise as well to this community.

The E-xcellence instrument consists of 3 main elements:

  1. Manual on QA in e-learning, covering the 33 benchmarks on e-learning, the indicators related to these benchmarks, guidance for improvement and references to excellence level performance. The manual is organised into six sections covering (1) Strategic management, (2) Curriculum design, (3) Course design, (4) Course delivery, (5) Staff support and (6) Student support. Each section follows a similar format setting out benchmarks, critical factors, performance indicators, and assessor’s notes. The benchmarks provide a set of general quality statements covering a wide range of contexts in which programme designers and others work. It is intended that the benchmarks will be relevant to virtually all e-learning situations. These benchmarks might usefully form the basis for institutions' quality self assessment where the full range of criteria and performance indicators are not judged relevant to the institutional context (e.g. in situations where e-learning developments are confined to a minority of courses or to specialist areas of the institution's work). The critical factors and performance indicators which follow then focus on particular topics relevant to the benchmark statements. Not all the critical factors will be relevant in all situations and several will be seen to cut across more than one benchmark statement. Thus there is not a one-to-one relationship between the benchmarks and the critical factors since they are pitched at different levels of analysis. Performance indicators relating to the critical factors have been developed at both general and excellence levels.
  2. The Assessors notes provide a more detailed account of the issues and the approaches which might be taken to meet requirements in each situation.
  3. Tools: Quick Scan and Full-Assessment.

The basic tool is the quick scan, a web-based tool which enables easy guidance and decision making which benchmarks are of interest for an institution. The quick scan can be applied in three ways:

  1. The quick scan as a quick orientation (basic option): An institution gets a first orientation on the strengths of eLearning performance and fields of improvement. The output can be used for example as input for internal discussions. The result of doing the Quick Scan must be an agreed overview of benchmarks that fit the institution as well as a number of benchmarks that ask for an action line in the roadmap of improvement. Each statement has to be considered and judged how this aspect of e-learning is realised in the course or programme of the particular institution or faculty. The instrument offers the opportunity to make comments on the specific issues byindicating: Not Adequate, Partially Adequate, Largely Adequate or Fully Adequate.
  2. The quick scan with a review at a distance (extended option): The review is based on a list of required documents. Reviewers give advice and recommendations in writing (at a distance). If the institution fulfills the conditions of integrating the benchmarks in the internal QA-system, it is allowed to use the E-xcellence label.
  3. The quick scan with an on-site assessment (most comprehensive option): After the quick scan, e-learn experts (reviewers) will do an on-site assessment. The institution meets up with the reviewers and receives recommendations and advice for improvement. If conditions are fulfilled, the institution is allowed to use the E-xcellence label.

Relevance to UK HE

- Due to information not being available by the deadline of late August 2006, there was no initially perceived relevance to Phase 1 of the Higher Education Academy Benchmarking Exercise. Despite that, two of the four MIT90s institutions in Phase 1 did make use of criteria derived from E-xcellence and at least one of the Pick&Mix institutions said that it was "interested" in the E-xcellence criteria (in the event this interest did not seem to come to much).

- As an emerging criterion-based methodology now mapped into MIT90s, E-xcellence might have become relevant to Phase 2. While eventually, E-xcellence was not being used by any institution in Phase 2, it is believed that one or two institutions are interested in whether some of the E-xcellence criteria may inform their analysis of their distance learning provision.


With a series of E-xcellence projects and initiatives, EADTU is and has been leading a European movement on quality assurance in e-learning:

- E-xcellence - creating a standard of excellence for e-learning (2005-2006), creating a quality benchmarking assessment instrument covering pedagogical, organisational and technical frameworks.

- E-xcellence+ (2007-2009), aiming to valorise the instrument (developed during E-xcellence) at the local, national and European level for the higher education and adult education sectors and to broaden the implementation and receive feedback for enhancing the instrument.

- E-xcellence Associates in Quality (launch 2010), the building of an e-learning benchmarking community of Associates in Quality. The E-xcellence Associates are focusing on the improvement of four priority elements of progressive higher education: Accessibility, Flexibility, Interactiveness and Personalization.

- E-xcellence Next (2011-2012), taking the third step in mainstreaming by integrating the instrument into the regular channels for QA (further European introduction, updating and extending the E-xcellence instrument and broadening the partnership on European and global level).

All information on the different tools and the E-xcellence Associates Label that grew out of these projects can be found on following website: http://www.eadtu.nl/e-xcellencelabel

On this website, also a list of the first universities (faculties, departments) that are qualified for the E-xcellence label and are now an Associate in Quality can be found.

An updated version of the E-xcellence Manual will be launched September 2012 (see http://www.eadtu.eu/e-xcellencenext.html)

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