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• Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”<br>
[http://www.ucb.edu.bo/ Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”]<br>
• Unidades Académicas Campesinas<br>
[http://www.uacucb.org/ Unidades Académicas Campesinas]<br>
• Escuela Militar de Ingeniería<br>
[http://www.emi.edu.bo/ Escuela Militar de Ingeniería]<br>


Revision as of 09:07, 15 September 2009

Partners situated in Bolivia


Bolivia in a nutshell


Bolivia, officially the Plurinational State of Bolivia (Spanish: Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia),is a landlocked country in central South America. It is bordered by Brazil to the north and east, Paraguay and Argentina to the south, and Chile and Peru to the west.

Its population is 9.8 million.

Its capital is Sucre but its largest city is Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

Bolivia education policy

Ministry of Education(Spanish) Lic. Roberto Aguilar Gómez Minister of Education and Culture

National Objectives
• Educational quality and relevance to each and every one
• Our cultures are catalyzing and coordinating all state policy
• Education for the knowledge and production

Viceministerio de Educación Superior (VES)(Spanish)
Deputy Minister of Higher Education
The aim of the Deputy Minister of Higher Education (VES) is to manage, develop and establish policies and regulations of higher education; in leading executive, coordinating with the various educational institutions at national, departmental and local levels, thus ensuring the quality in the provision of educational services. Minister Of Higher Education: Lic. Diego Pary Rodriguez

Mercosur (Spanish)


The national accreditation agency will cover all the country's university and public.

Under the policies of globalization and transformation of Bolivian higher education, evaluation and accreditation of institutions and programs is essential to promote, recognize and guarantee the quality of institutions and programs as well as aiding in the construction of Higher Education system integrated, cooperative and supportive.

Bolivia education system

Higher education

Universities in Bolivia

Guide to universities in Bolivia (Spanish)


Universidad Mayor, Real y Pontificia de San Francisco Xavier
Universidad Mayor de San Andrés
Universidad Mayor de San Simón
Universidad Autónoma Gabriel René Moreno
Universidad Autónoma Juan Misael Saracho
Autónoma del Beni “José Ballivián”
Universidad Nacional del Siglo XXI
Universidad Amazónica de Pando
Universidad Pública de El Alto


• Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas de la Nación
• Universidad Policial “Mcal. Antonio José de Sucre”
• Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Mariscal Sucre
• Universidad Indígena “Tupak Katari”
• Universidad Indígena “ Casimiro Huanca”
• Universidad Indígena “Apiagûaiki Tûpa”


Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”
Unidades Académicas Campesinas
Escuela Militar de Ingeniería


• Universidad Adventista de Bolivia
• Universidad Bethesda
• Universidad Boliviana de Informática
• Universidad Boliviana de Informática (Subsede El Alto)
• Universidad Boliviana de Informática (Subsede La Paz)
• Universidad CEFI Saint Paul
• Universidad CEFI Saint Paul (Subsede Cochabamba)
• Universidad Central
• Universidad Central (Subsede La Paz)
• Universidad Cristiana de Bolivia
• Universidad de Aquino Bolivia
• Universidad de Aquino Bolivia (Subsede Cochabamba)
• Universidad de Aquino Bolivia (Subsede Santa Cruz)
• Universidad de Aquino Bolivia (Subsede Oruro)
• Universidad de la Amazonía Boliviana
• Universidad de la Amazonía Boliviana (Subsede Guayaramerín)
• Universidad de la Cordillera
• Universidad de los Andes
• Universidad Evangélica Boliviana
• Universidad La Salle
• Universidad La Salle (Subsede El Alto)
• Universidad Latinoamericana
• Universidad Loyola
• Universidad Nacional del Oriente (Subsede Montero)
• Universidad Nacional Ecológica
• Universidad Nuestra Señora de la Paz
• Universidad Nur
• Universidad Nur (Subsede Cochabamba)
• Universidad Nur (Subsede La Paz)
• Universidad Nur (Authorized programs in other departments and that have no Academic sub headquarters)
• Universidad para la Investigación Estratégica en Bolivia
• Universidad Privada Abierta Latinoamericana
• Universidad Privada Abierta Latinoamericana (Subsede Oruro)
• Universidad Privada Boliviana
• Universidad Privada Boliviana (Subsede La Paz)
• Universidad Privada Boliviana (Authorized programs in other departments)
• Universidad Privada Cumbre
• Universidad Privada de Oruro
• Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz de la Sierra
• Universidad Privada de Chaco
• Universidad Privada del Valle
• Universidad Privada del Valle (Subsede La Paz)
• Universidad Privada del Valle (Subsede Sucre)
• Universidad Privada del Valle (Subsede Trinidad)
• Universidad Privada Domingo Savio
• Universidad Privada Domingo Savio (Subsede Tarija)
• Universidad Privada Franz Tamayo
• Universidad Privada Franz Tamayo (Subsede Cochabamba)
• Universidad Privada Franz Tamayo (Subsede Santa Cruz)
• Universidad Privada Franz Tamayo (Subsede El Alto)
• Universidad Privada Indígena Tawantinsuyo Ajlla-Uta
• Universidad Real
• Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia
• Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia (Subsede Camiri)
• Universidad San Francisco de Asís
• Universidad San Francisco de Asís (Subsede Tupiza)
• Universidad Técnica Privada Cosmos
• Universidad Técnica Privada Cosmos (Subsede El Alto)
• Universidad Tecnológica Boliviana
• Universidad Tecnológica Privada de Santa Cruz
• Universidad Unidad
• Universidad Unión Bolivariana
• Universidad Privada de Ciencias Administrativas y Tecnológicas
• Universidad Simón I. Patiño

Higher education reform

The Bologna Process

Administration and finance

Quality assurance

Bolivia's HEIs in the information society

Towards the information society

Information society strategy

Virtual Campuses in HE

Interesting Virtual Campus Initiatives

Virtual Campus

The virtual higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean (Spanish) By ANUIES-unesco

Virtual higher education in the Bolivian universities is a recent innovative experiment, not yet evaluated, that occurs in very few universities, including:

- A regional university status above international organization that receives government subsidies of the 5 Andean countries (the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar) - A private university (nonprofit) - Two public universities (which have significant international support: one of UNESCO and other cooperation from European Union countries).

Distance Learning

Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar (Spanish)

Distance Education
For over 15 years, the Headquarters of the UASB apply new educational technologies in academic programs that use distance education mode. The operating environment for this purpose is the Center for Distance Education (CEADIS), which supports the implementation of programs partially or entirely at a distance.


Wikipedia (Spanish)

Although many countries have more experience in what we call e. learning, in Bolivia there are several experiences in distance education. Most institutions work via moodle, ie platform, however the UNSXX has extensive experience in distance education through a distance education program for regular teachers.

In Bolivia many state-owned universities are conducting classes of Distance Education, among which are: Technical University of Oruro (http://www2.dpicuto.edu.bo/) and the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar .


The new technology in Indian universities (Spanish)

The new technology will be essential part of the operation of Indian Universities recently opened in our country. The University Aymara Tupac Katari (Warisata - La Paz), the University Casimiro Huanca Quechua (Chimore - Cochabamba) and the University Bolivian Guarani and Lowland Villages (Machareti - Chuquisaca) Internet service will also be networked and digitally between them, thanks to technical initiatives of the staff of New Technologies of Information and Communication from the Ministry of Education.

Furthermore, another link was also made via the Internet between the Minister Aguilar and Mr. Andoni Mujika, representative of the University of Mondragon (Basque Country - Spain). In the opportunity this university has committed to cooperate fully in the implementation of the Bolivian Indian Universities, as the Basque university has advanced experience of a trilingual education model -Euskera, Castilian, English- and heavy use of new information technologies and communication.

Interesting Programmes

There is the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar.

Re.ViCa Case-study


Lessons learnt


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